Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Not Productive With Available Time - Jo Barnes

Just completed a mini book by Jo Barnes on Don't Give Up. Below is one Reason, 3-Not Productive With Available Time, for failure.I did my job of sharing now as author wants it!

We all struggle for time right? There’s just simply not enough hours in the day!
In reality time is a fallacy. It’s all relative to what you’re doing. Think about it. If you go on holiday, how quick does a week or two weeks pass by? Compared with the two weeks leading up to the holiday which really drag!

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but it’s important to understand. You create your own time.
There are only ever 24 hours in a day, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds! This will never change. There will always only be 24 hours in a day.

So, stop worrying about time and start focusing on what to do within the time you have that is going to make the most difference to your business!
Whether you have 10 hours a day or 1 hour a day to spend building your business, it’s crucial you know how to make the most productive use of that time to take you closer to your goals.

One of the reasons we waste time, is because we don’t make fast decisions. We have a idea to do something, whether it be to write an article, a report, record a video, create a product, contact an influencer. Whatever it is, it starts as an idea and the sad thing is, that for many it ends as an idea!

Here’s why. We take that idea and we go online to research how to bring that idea to fruition or we look for verification that it’s a good idea. This process may take us an hour, a day, sometimes weeks or even months before we’re convinced it’s a good idea and by that time we’ve lost interest or someone else has done it.

I’m generalising, but I hope you get my point.

The fact is we need to make decisions much quicker than that. We need to have had the idea and taken action on it within minutes!

How many ‘ideas’ have you got accumulated in various ‘To Do’ lists. How many ideas have you got cluttering up your ever note, your notepad, one note, your diary.
You may have ideas everywhere. Dump them.

You may think you’ll get back to them, but the likelihood is you won’t.

Being productive is about having an idea and acting on it there and then. Live in the moment.

You have your clear plan of what you want your business to look like, so your only thought should be -­ “Is taking this particular action going to take me closer to my vision or further away.”

If the answer is closer, act. If the answer is further away, dump the idea. Don’t add it to a someday notebook. Someday will never arrive in the way you think it will and things will have dramatically shifted by then anyway!

Positive Action Steps
1. Make fast decisions.

2. Plan your day to the minute. Rather than a ‘to do’ list, plan your tasks as an appointment schedule. 9am -­ 10am -­ write report. 10am -­ 11.30am -­ call xxx. 11.30am -­ 1pm -­ create videos. I think you get my drift.

3. Once your day is planned -­ STICK TO IT! Sometimes your tasks may take you longer than expected. Learn what takes you a little longer and plan for that in your day. Understanding yourself and your skills is super important.

4. Stop wasting time on facebook (or any SM platform)! Unless you are on there for a very specific planned reason, turn it off! I teach Social Media, that’s my specialty and where I spend most of my time, and I can tell you, unless used wisely it is the biggest time sucker of all time!

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