Monday, February 16, 2015

NyaGoe - The Strongest Man

In olden days Bhutan has been well known for the Nyagoe or the strongest man who were usually the Pazaps (soldiers) or the right hand man of the rulers then. With bare foot and sword always in hand, they were the most furious of all. 

Before 1907, Bhutan has been ruled by various regional rulers and every ruler fought for the power wit each other. The only weapon that they used was the sword and the shield for protection. Only the ones with strongest men will emerge as winners and will rule. The Trongsa Penlop (Ruler of Trongsa region) Jigme Namgyal came as the ultimate strongest of all others and he unified Bhutan as one. After that in the year 1907, His brave son Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck was then crowned as the first King of Bhutan which marked the beginning of Bhutan's journey as an independent and sovereign nation. More than 100 years now, Bhutan has come a long way under the dynamic and farsighted leadership of the Wanghuck Dynasty. 

Had it not been the Nyagoe tactics and skills of the Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal and his men, Bhutan could not have found the way of this journey towards peace and prosperity. In order to thank and to mark the sacrifice and the tactics of their skills, the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) has started to crown the strongest man of Bhutan starting last year. BBS has been going round the country selecting one Nyagoe from each District. After having selected, they are being trained and guided and screened to top five.  The top five then compete during the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty to select one of them as the Nyagoe of the year. The competition is very tough. They have to compete among others and also with the time. They have to drag a log, carry it on their shoulder, then chop it, after that they have to carry a bag of sand and then finally a carry two wheels of a truck. The weight of the log, sand and wheels ranges from 100-130 kilograms. The weight increases as they mover higher up the competition. 

Moreover in the final day, other competitors are made to wrestle, compete in shot-put and also bull-fighting. The winners take home various kinds of prizes. The show has been spectated by many throughout the country. The main objective of the show was firstly to preserve the dying culture of Nyagoe in Bhutan and culture preservation is one of the pillar of Gross National Happiness and secondly it also helps us to remind ourselves of the braveness and the sacrifices our ancestors have made to unify and then to preserve the sovereign of our country. This year, 2015, the top five Nyagoes have been selected and the best among the best will be given the title as the Strongest Man of Bhutan on 21st February coinciding with the birth anniversary of His Majesty.    

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