Thursday, January 22, 2015

Daw Chu Nyipai Losar

Daw chu nyipai Losar (Daw-Month, Chunyi-12th, Losar-new year/festival) is celebrated every year on the 1st day of the 12th Month of the Bhutanese calendar. It is celebrated especially by the people of eastern Bhutan. It is also referred to as Sharchokpai Losar which means the festival of the people of the east. This day is celebrated like any other festivals.

Everyone gets excited. People in the villages prepare way ahead for the day. Men get ready with their game plans for the day while women gather all the special items to be prepared for the day. In urban areas, all relatives get together and even friends and neighbors get together to celebrate the day. On the day, early in the morning, mom and dad prepares porridge and (Suja) butter tea for the breakfast. After having breakfast, men go out to play various kinds of games while women prepare lunch. After having prepared, women go to witness the match with lunch and drinks. They sing and dance and enjoy the day together. Some families especially in urban areas go out for a family picnic to some faraway places to celebrate the day.  

The day in Bhutan is a national holiday and it is termed as a "traditional day of offering". The history says that the day was in olden days a day people celebrate the harvest of the year and a day they offer a share of their harvest to their rulers and celebrate together. People especially in the east still celebrate the day to remember the hard work of their forefathers and also to keep alive the age old tradition of celebrating the harvest of the year. Usually by this day, people in the village will have harvested everything and are bit relaxed. So Chunyi pai Losar is a day they celebrate the fruit of their hard work that they have put in for the entire year.



  1. Why the festival is particularly reffered to as a sharchok pai losar?

  2. Because the Chunipa Losar is mostly celebrated by the people of the Eastern Bhutan (Sharchok -Eastern).


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