Thursday, April 23, 2015

Little tips to a Healthy Diet - From the Books of Robin Sharma

  1. 8PM to 4AM- Absorption time. This is the time, our body absorbs food, digest and produces required energy.
  2. 4AM to 12PM (Noon) - Elimination time. This is the time our body excretes waste materials from our body. 
  3. 12PM (Noon) to 8PM - Feeding time. This is the time where our body requires incoming of food materials(Healthy ones only) 
  4. Get up early and go for a morning walk in the woods (Nature in broader sense). Practice mindfulness exercises such as breathing exercises.
  5. Start a day with lemon juice or at the most an apple (could be other healthy fruits too) 
  6. We should not disturb the process within our body as described above. Eat rightful amount after 12PM till 8PM. It is advised not to take anything (if possible) after 8PM. If you have to take, we can have soup, green tea)
  7. Diet should contain "alive natural foods" (green vegetables & fresh fruits) and avoid "dead foods" (Meat).
  8. Six hours or five at the minimum of quality sleep is necessary.  Should not sleep more.
This is what I follow after having gone through 3 books of Robin Sharma: "Mega Living", "A monk who sold his Ferrari" and "Who will cry when u die" and currently I am with "A Leader who had no title". Also collected information from other personal development books viz: "You can live successfully in life" by Ben Abbot, "Buddha Body, Buddha Mind" by Thich Nhat Hanh and "Buddhic Essence" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. These are mostly personal development books which I am mostly interested in. I recommend to all those who have not read it.

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