Friday, April 17, 2015

What Can Science Say?

Disintegration of Body 

When the great Buddhist masters die they know before hand and they go into meditation and we never know when exactly they pass away. They die in the meditation position and if no one disturbs them, their body disintegrates into air. If someone disturbs them before they disintegrate fully, their body will have shrunk and become small. What can science say about this peaceful passing away of great masters in meditative state and finally disintegrating?

Phowa Meditation
The great Buddhist masters can perform phowa meditation, a meditation which can directly lead them to heaven (Zangdopelri). With the help of this meditation, they can also liberate others from sufferings. The Buddhist practitioners also learn this mediation and there are stories of successful accomplishments. There are also stories that, while doing a phowa meditation under the guidance of perfect teacher, the grass (tsa khusha) that they keep in the middle of their head moves into the head which is a sign of successful phowa meditation. What can science say about this meditation?

Terdag or Shaman
It is a practice in Bhutan from time immemorial but is slowly fading away now. When someone is very ill, in earlier days they often use to perform Terdag. It is a kind of ritual a man performs who is believed to have been possessed by some deities. He performs fiercely and his acts are usually abnormal. There are stories of even stabbing himself and nothing happens to him. He can also drink the boiled oil and nothing happens to him. He can speak any language which he doesn't know otherwise. Once the ritual is over, he remembers nothing about his act. What can science say about this ritual?

Some great master when they pass away, they are reincarnated as young generation. Some can even predict where will they be born in next life. When they are born, they can tell the whole story of their previous life and most amazingly they can even identify their own belongings in the previous life. When these great masters are reincarnated, they are being known by some other great masters and are identified as so and so tulku (reincarnation of great master). What can science say about this ability? 

Black Magic
It was really famous in olden ways, even today, it is believed by many. People say it is hereditary. The person who performs black magic kills someone whom he/she wishes to kill. When people are sick, they go to astrologer to seek help. The astrologer tells them, someone has performed black magic towards them and it has reached the final stage, so it has to be removed at the earliest. There are also stories when this black magic papers have been removed with the help of astrologer, the paper moves when it is held tightly with our hands. When this paper has been removed and burnt, the person becomes alright. What has science got to say about this Black magic?

Ngoenshey or clairvoyance 
Some great Buddhist masters can tell what is beyond the mighty mountains and can also predict the future. Some can even tell someone's past lives and his/her future lives. What can science say about this power of clairvoyance?
Delog or life after death 
Some women especially who are locally known as Delog are considered dakinis in villages. On the auspicious day, these Delogs passes away and after few hours they revive. There are also stories where some can even stay up to a week without breathing. Once they are awake, they tell stories to the people who have gathered there to come to listen to her. She tells stories of hell and how the people are suffering in hell. She also brings messages from the person who has died long ago to be delivered to his relatives in this world. After that, she led a normal life. What can science say about the life of such women?

There are many facts in Buddhism which are still left as unsolved mysteries. But we cannot undermine the power of science. There will be a time when science will have all the answers to these and many other unsolved mysteries. 

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