Friday, April 1, 2022

How to Stay Happy– My Personal Elixir

First of all we must know that it is a human phenomenon to be bothered by so many emotions and it’s not just us. We are not alone and that is why we should not try to solve it alone. We may be successful or we may not be but when we are not, that is when we break down completely. That is why it is important to know that everybody goes through these and one day it will be alright too.

Always surround yourself with positivity both inside and out. When I say inside and out, the inner part is our thinking and the outer part is our words and actions. When our life is filled with positivity, every action towards us will be positive. I still remember a lesson from school days that ‘it is always better to tame our inner enemy than trying to confront the outer enemies’. Here, the inner enemy is nothing but our negative thoughts. The moment we think or indulge in negativity, it will never leave us until we overcome such thoughts and actions through positivity. The negative energy will always drain us, it will make us exhausted and the feeling of guilt after that will haunt us. Why do we say sorry? That is to free ourselves of the guilt and be at peace.

When someone hurt us, we immediately try to react with a thought of vengeance, that is a negative energy and the feeling of avenging will not leave us at peace. It will lead to more and more negative thoughts and actions. That is why people say, ‘forgiving someone is to help ourselves to get rid of all the negative thoughts and actions’. Negative thoughts will bring forth negative actions and the positive will bring out positive actions. That’s why we are taught and we believe that ‘our body is the servant of mind’. So, always be positive in thought and action, there will just be a smile on our face always.

Listen and believe in your conscience. You might have noticed that when we are about to do or say something, our inner mind stops and let us give second thought. The involuntary reactions are irrational and sometimes does more harm than saving ourselves. But involuntary functions are very much essential for functioning of some of the vital processes like heartbeat, digestion, breathing, etc.… Sometimes depending on the situation, stop and let your inner mind, your conscience speak to you. When we consciously decide, it is a response and is logical. For example when someone hurts you or inflicts any negative action upon you, do not react, rather respond to it with you clear conscience.

Last but not the least is to live the moment. We know we can’t change the past and the future is uncertain. Thinking of the past and dreaming about the future, we forget to enjoy the moment. When we are not living the moment, all sort of thoughts come in with varying degree of worry and tension. Some will be resentful thoughts, some revengeful, worrying, distressful and many other forms of thinking which drains us both mentally and physically. These thoughts will not let us get a peaceful sleep and will wake up feeling exhausted. And that will hamper the following day. But it is very difficult to not to think. Focused thinking is good to making conscious decisions. The focus thinking is also living the moment.

While there are many ways by which we can live the moment, we have to choose which is easier to do and works for us. For some meditation may work, for some reading good books, listening to soothing music, saying prayers, conscious breathing and many other positive strategies. Different individual adopts different techniques or mix of two or three. For me I practice conscious breathing exercise at least before going to bed and right after I get up. Conscious breathing is easy to do and it can be done anytime and anywhere. I just focus my mind on breathing and to help me focus at least for 3 complete cycles.  Then before going to bed, I thank (whomever you want to) for the successful day. Just say ‘I have done my best and those which I could not accomplish, please erase from my mind, erase all negative energies so that tomorrow I can start afresh’. In the morning thank for being able to wake up and pray for positivity for the following day. I do read books (philosophical) and listen to online soothing music.

Happiness is giving. If you want happiness, make others happy first.          

***THE END***