Thursday, June 26, 2014

"We are not only the one responsible for who we are"

It has become actually a human instinct to blame someone or look down on someone in the society. People often blame delinquents for their behavior in the society without even questioning what could be the reason behind such delinquencies.

We are like prism whose dazzling colors depend on the colors of the surrounding. It will sparkle red if placed in red environ and green or yellow depending on what color it receives. We grew up in one environment and have to face various range of environments as we move on with our lives. If we are in the good environment, where people living there are good and friends we associate with are good, then we definitely tends to grow good. But in later stage, if we are exposed to some other adverse surroundings, then we tend to act accordingly unless we are so influential to change the environment. People who are always or mostly brought up in good environment are always found to be successful. But on other hand, if people are exposed all the time or mostly to not so good environment, they are never improved and are not very successful in the society.

What we are or what we do also depends on the type of friends or people we associate with. Many say "he/she was actually good but his/her friends...", "this person is good but his/her peers..." The people we hang-out with are the ones who are really influential. Even in a group of bad boys, there will be one or two others who are not so bad as the other members but are being influenced or overpowered.  In this case, even if we are good, because we are with those not so good people, we are seen as bad. 

Other example could be family problems at home. If the problem is so bad at home, children especially the boys grow more delinquent. The lack of proper guidance, proper attention from parents could also cause a good child to become a bad one.

Everything we are exposed to will have some impacts on our daily life. The house we live in, the neighbors, the organization we work in, the boss or the subordinates we work with, the friends we hang out with and the society we face all the time always play a vital role in our life to shape who we are. These are like chisels which shape our life from all angles. Some shape us good and some bad. And the only blame or the compliment people make is to that person without even realizing the factors behind him/her that actually shaped the way he/she is.

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