Thursday, June 26, 2014

Animal Vs Human

Human beings are modified animals. The cognizance and intelligence inherited by human brain is so large and the sheer civilization has made us fit to be called as human being. Civilization is led by certain ethics and conducts. And therefore, human are guided by these ethics but not are animals. Let me draw some comparisons between the life of human and animal. However, I cannot make conclusions on whose life is better.

Animals are free. They roam aimlessly, eat whatever comes into their mouth, share companionship, play each other, and engage sex whenever they desire, no matter even in the public. Sometimes they break into fight for trivial reason but who cares??? They are really free. There is no one at the top to scrutinize and throw bloody words to the bottom ones.

But there is no respect for each other, no proper care though mother cares the baby herself. Males impregnate females but they don't become fathers to care their baby. There is no knowledge of hesitation. A son has huge gut to sex his real own mother...This is really shit. They are carefree like a cloud and wind: no prohibition at all.  

However, unlike them, human are really bound and caged by conducts and duties. Can we run away from office in duty hours? Should we run what would be the consequences? We are really tensed. Despite freezing winter we can't lay down in the warm sunny lawn. Similarly, we get little time to relax in the shade during hot rainy summer. If duties failed what will be the result? What would our boss say? We have to do our work sincerely or they will terminate us from the organization, no choice for us. Thus, it's no wrong to be called as machine. 

Sex is biological need for all animals to continue their progeny. Therefore, all animals are vested with biological rights for continuation of offspring. But human are limited by certain threshold age and time for this indulgence. Sex is strictly prohibited in white day light, open area and below 18 years (under age deemed by the law). Failing these conditions would result the accused to land up in jail even for a minor attempt.

Such rules, conducts and law prohibit us doing bad things. So, we are called as civilized animal. But on the contrary are we really free human? Do we have all rights to do whatever we like?? Now, whose life is better???



  1. "Sex is strictly prohibited in white day light, open area and below 18 years " who follows ??

  2. Regarding sex...biologically important to maintain our that really the reason for sex....Then why rape, why condoms, why has to do more than just maintaining the pro-genies. But when it comes to sex...human beings become more than animals...every time I watch NDTV, one news on rape...human beings have the liberty to make love when ever they like after reaching full consensus...but animals they so only during certain period call "the estrous cycle". Still then the hunger for sex never dies or subsides for human.

  3. Tashi and karma, as i mentioned we human are modified animal. We would even act more vulgar than animals if we are not bound by rule of law. The real essence of sex is to continue progeny but human miss use for pleasure....condoms and other contraceptives are totally against the right of new human to be born otherwise. When human loss civilization (dont follow rules) more incidence of rape emerges, more case of imprisonment...etc


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