Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Donkey is not Happy - His Job ≠ His Reward

Mindula was on his way home with 10 kilograms load on his back. He was standing still to get some energy when his master shouted from behind "Mindula....josh..josh". 

It was uphill and he has to take rest every now and then but his master has been shouting every minute and he has to keep with his master's words. In the morning while going to town to fetch rice and salt, he was given dry straw and a pot of water. With that he has to carry 10 kgs load uphill. With much difficulty, he reached home and was a great relief for him when the loads were removed. He was very thirsty and hungry too. He wishes fresh maize grains and water for his lunch, but was tied up to a pole nearby. He moved and neighed several times asking for food and water but in vain. After sometime he was again fed with usual dried hay. Then he was let free to graze in an open field. 

He first went to the stream nearby and quenched his thirst. He went on grazing and after some time he came to App Dodo's house. When he reached there, he found crunchy wheat grains being dried in sun behind his house. Mindulla without giving a second thought went nearby and enjoyed his meal. Amid enjoying his meal, App Dodo came from nowhere and gave him a thud with a pole on his back. Mindulla at once neighed and ran down towards his own house. 

The news soon reached his master and Mindula was beaten many times. He could not get out as he was tied to a pole as usual. He was tied up without even single meal for next one day. The following day he was taken by App Dodo to carry fire woods from nearby forest as a punishment for what he has done the other day.

His body was becoming weaker day by day. While he go out for grazing, he could see some of his friends happily enjoying their sleep in the sun while he is busy looking for fresh grasses to fill his empty tummy. His friends were served well by their masters and let free. He always wished his master to be one such kind. 

Mindulla has to fetch water three times daily from a nearby stream (500 meters) and has to go shopping twice a week to a nearby town which is six kilometers away. Sometimes he has to go with other masters on hire to go shopping and to do many other jobs. But every time, twice a day he was being fed with dried straw and sometimes fodder grasses.

So he was not happy with his master. He would work so hard and his masters would keep all the stocks for their own consumption. He was the main worker, like a bread earner in a family but was rewarded poorly. He could not speak nor could he do anything than to serve quietly and only grumbling to himself. Poor Us. 


  1. lol some bodies should read that ...recommended.

  2. Now we are becoming like Mindula: old and lethargic. Instead let us run away than being obedient to Dodo...


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