Monday, July 28, 2014

Drayangs - "A Pleasant Sound"

After a tedious day's work, many people prefer going to Drayangs especially the aged ones to refresh themselves and get some cool drinks. While most of the young stars prefer going party hall especially during the weekends, Drayangs are the place where even a family can go and have a leisure time together. People in Drayangs work so hard to entertain the clients and also to make a living of their own out of it. 

But what most people in and around talk and think about is very disheartening. It is very sad that we down look on them besides they working so hard to stand on their own feet. I visited Drayangs twice but i don't exactly now remember the names of those. Those were really a good place to hang out. People there sing, dance and also let us sing or dance if we wish to. They come near us and make us request a song or dance. When they came near me, I inquired a lot about them. Three girls came near me in the same night. I made a request for Nu. 400/-. To every girls that came near me for the request, I asked the stories behind them. All of them were made to work out of no choice. One girl was not even educated a bit but she was the only one to look after her only younger brother, who was in class 10 in government school. Having to look after him, one of her friends introduced her to the proprietor of that Drayang and now she is indebted to her proprietor. Others were educated up to classes 10 and 12 but it was not their choice to work as an entertainer in the Drayangs. They even shared me that, some clients even promise them more money if they are willing to go out with them, some clients just think they are the entertainer in the Drayang and they should  do anything to entertain the clients.  They also shared that they doesn't like working in Drayangs sometimes due to harassment from clients but they have no choice. 

Some Proprietors are very caring. One of the Drayangs I visited has a very good lady proprietor. She monitors every movement of the girls working there and the clients. Once my friend asked, "Where is the rest room?" to one of the girls working there, but a lady in the counter, a proprietor told, "Do not lead them to rest room, show them the direction" which in fact was a very good and a true statement she made. Such proprietors care their workers like their own children so the workers feel more secured. They drop the workers to their home themselves after the show is over. This is appreciative.

It is not good to look down on those who work to make their own living. If they were well off and have enough wealth descended from their parents, will they be still working in Drayangs? Will they still be sweeping the street? Will they still work as parking fee collector, as waiter or waitress? Or as receptionist? And many more? No, they won’t, nobody would. But they work because they are not one of those fortunate. They work to live independently and make a change in the society, be it a small change. But some people, who are fortunate enough to play on the wealth of their parents, tend to look down on them not realizing that, they are not even capable of standing on their own feet! It is high time now that we must respect the dignity of labor and appreciate them rather than making non-sense comments. No matter what we do, we all do for a living. If we earn our living rather than depending on someone, it is more than enough in life. So we must respect those who work for them and their family and even we as a worker should feel proud of whatever we do because we are able to stand on our own feet no matter what people think and say about us. Every one works to earn and any kind of work we do, all are equally respectable. 

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