Monday, February 23, 2015

A Review on the book “You can Live Successfully in Your Lifetime”

Title: “You can Live Successfully in Your Lifetime”

Author: Ben Abbott

Publisher: Three ESS Publications, Delhi, India.

Year of Publication: NA

Genre: Self Help/Guide

Gist of the Book
The author in this book mainly talks about the good principles to be followed to lead a successful and happy living. The book gives the ways and means to deal with all kinds of problems in life and how to progress to achieving our goals and accomplishing the highest standards in life. In fourteen chapters, the means to a successful living have been discussed with all facts and examples.

The first chapter talks about the challenge. In here the author has desperately created a scenario where by the readers are made to build confident with the words “I CAN” in whatever we do and plan in life. With this beginning, next it talks about the success. We often wonder why some people excel in life and some don’t. That wonder is good if we act upon it. After that wonder we will have to learn from the secrets behind the success of others and from the mistakes of ourselves. After having learned their secrets and contemplated on our mistakes, we have to take the first momentous steps, which constitute third chapter. First we have to make a decision in life. Clear decisions of what we are going to achieve in life. After having made the decision, we have to act on it. We should not be hesitant while making a decision because no one is perfect and we are bound to make mistakes in life. It is said that we have to chat or sing “it can be done” as we embark upon our action. The action we take must bear results at the end which can lead to the fulfillment of the ultimate decision we have made. That is the success!

With a first step towards clear decisions, the door to conquest in life will be opened. In chapter four, this door has been discussed. Once the door is open, it is the initiative that can take us a ride towards the goal. Initiative can be the first step discussed earlier. A man with an initiative does not wait for the opportunities to knock rather creates his own opportunity and grabs it.  Opportunity says “ They do me wrong who say I come no more, when once I knock and fail to find you in; for every day I stand outside your door and bid you wake and rise to fight and win” Walter Lalone. The two doubtful words “IF” and “MAY BE” in life robs every individual of initiative. These have to be replaced with the affirmative words like “I CAN” and “I WILL”. Never procrastinate what can be done today. Dare to Begin! Today! Now! 

The time is very important in every task in our life. The more of it has been discussed in chapter five of this book. The time has been described as a passport to achievement. Time has to be used to the fullest and should not be wasted unfruitful. It has to be kept in mind that “time and tide, waits for none”, awake and make the most of it!  While using time to the fullest, it has to be balanced with the energy level in our body. Abundant energy is the lifeblood of progress and successful living. Inactivity, negative thoughts, physical pressures and uncontrolled emotions cause tiredness while activity, constructive positive thoughts and controlled emotions and actions create energy. A sound mind in a sound body is the basis of achievement. So the good health is vital while we maneuver to achieve great goals in life. The Chapter seven of the book talks about the essential components that help to accomplish great goals in life. The strong self-confidence and courage are the two things that can overcome almost all obstacles in life. Others include being optimism, thinking outward and avoiding diffidence and timidity in life. Confidence generates confidence; therefore, we have to act with confidence to gain confidence.

To be on tract in life and not having to disappoint for the things we are not able to do and appreciate for the things we are capable of, we have to chart our course in life. We have to search for our natural abilities and aptitudes and set out clear goals in life. Everything has to be well planned and progress has to be tracked and achieved. Plan career far ahead, concentrate on single main goal, keep an eye on the “winning post” at the end of the race. Be the man who made it and not the man who almost made it. The next chapter discusses about the external factors that helps in our course of way towards successful living. Our success and happiness depends largely on how we treat others and how others treat us. We have to learn to deal with various kinds of people in life. We have to increase our friendship circle. Friendliness creates friendly environment. Therefore, be friendly toward others and they will be friendly towards us. Teamwork is very important to achieve a certain goal in life. In a team work, we have to possess good leadership skills and also a team spirit. In a team we have to be good listener and also a good speaker. The chapter also talks about how to develop a good speaking skill.

Not everything in life is so smooth to walk upon. Like everyone says 'life is not a bed of roses to walk upon softly'. There are many hard knocks. The next chapter describes about the hardships that we face in life and how to overcome those. Confucius said “our greatest glory is not in never-falling, but in rising every time we fall”. We have to learn from our mistakes and start over again with greater strength gained from the difficulties we face and looking forward to greater accomplishments.  The chapter eleven of this book talks about the power behind our destiny. The power in here is not the physical power the author is talking about. More powerful than the physical power is the power of thought. Whatever that happens in this world are all results of the power of thought. Thinking before taking up any action is very important. We have to think and plan and then act. The task to be accomplished has to be broken down to smallest units that are achievable. The accomplishment of these every unit will lead to the achievement of larger goal. The chapter also talks about the importance of having a good memory and increased vocabulary which all aids to achieve goals in life.

The next chapter in this book describes about our habits and how to overcome bad habits with good ones. The bad habits can be removed from our life by not practicing it or by doing just the opposite of these bad habits. For example the habit of being late to office could be displaced by being on time always. We have to be the master of our habits and they will serve us well for they have the greater influences in our life. The next chapter talks about the importance of having strong and abiding faiths in ourselves and in whatever we do. For example we cannot see the atoms, yet we believe its existence and feel its influence in our day to day life. Likewise there are many other things in life which requires our faith. Faith combined with action, an honest effort on our part will make a smooth progress toward successful living. The last chapter talks about the three fundamental principles which can guide us through the road of successful living. First principle is “each improvement of one beneficial human quality immediately strengthens other qualities, thus making it easier to win over harmful ones. Second principle “start a constructive mental attitude or emotion in action and it grows progressively strong, feeding on itself and third principle is “ how a person thinks and acts has a definite effect on how those with whom he comes in contact think and act”. Therefore it is seen that achievement of success and happiness depends on how we think and act. Deliberately and regularly think and act in an affirmative, optimistic, constructive manner and we are on the sure road of successful living.

Interesting facts from the Book
1.    “A wise man learns from his experiences but a wiser man learns from the experiences of others. Those who make a rapid progress in life learn from both the experiences of their own and others”
2.      “Opportunity comes to him who waits – works while he waits. Opportunity knocks again and again for all those prepared to grasp it” 
3.      “Two big ‘Ts’, TOLERANCE and TEAMWORK smooth out the human irritations and life becomes richer and more enjoyable”
4.   “Perseverance and Perspiration are the two horses in life that will accomplish the unbelievable”
5.      “The six honest serving men; WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHO, they taught me all I know”

*****THE END*****

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