Thursday, March 26, 2015

How I Start and End My Day Perfectly

I get up every day at 6AM in the morning and I don't need an alarm or anyone to get me out of the bed. I go to bathroom and fresh up myself. I switch on the water boiler and after having put on my jogging outfit and I go for jogging for at least 20 minutes. I want to increase little more. No music, music can be the best but for me I say prayers as I jog. When I get back home, I brew tea and prepare a cup of green tea. When the tea is still boiling in a low flame I do exercise for my entire body followed by breathing exercises for at least 5-10 minutes. By the time I finish my exercise, it will be 7:00AM. After that I take a cup of tea (less sugar) and start reading a book. When I am done with tea, I take green tea. I take three cups of green tea till whole of the tastes have been extracted from the green tea. I read till 8:15AM or sometimes I do till I complete few chapters of the book. After that, I drink a cup of milk or sometimes a very light breakfast to energize myself for the day. 

Then I prepare to go to office. By 8:45AM I go to office, most of the time I get a ride and rarely do I take a cab to get to office. Once in office I do office works till it gets over by 4 or 5PM. Once in office, I take green tea more often and I do not take heavy lunch. I take a cup of tea (Less sugar) and a small plate of Chana. Sometimes I take plain noodles. If available I take fruits. Once back home in the evening, I take my diner. I make sure that I take diner not later than 8PM. After 8PM I take nothing but a cup or two of green tea. 30 minutes or more after diner, I go for a brisk walk with music on this time. After getting back home, I take a cup or two of green tea and watch TV (news and other interesting and important programs) till 9PM and sometimes even till 10PM depending on the TV programs. After that, I repeat my body exercises and breathing exercise. Then I continue reading till 12 Midnight and then after having practiced the breathing exercise one more time I go to bed in peace. 

On weekends, I read more till I feel unease reading, I cook, I do washing, cleaning and sometime go to friend's house and shopping too. I watch more TV than usual. Almost my weekends remain the same as other week days. 

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