Friday, March 13, 2015

The Never-coming International Men's Day and Father's Day

Our world is famous for many days, national and international. Of the many days, I wonder why only women's day and Mother's Day when men are equally important and play a significant role too. The only reason I could think of is due to the patriarchal world that we came through, but it is now no more with the whole world empowering women in every field.  

I don't know about other country, if I talk about my country Bhutan; we have here at least three organizations that look after women and children as well. The first is the NCWC (National Commission for Women and Children), the next organization is RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women) and the third organization is BAOWE (Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneur). Although their vision and mission are not confined to only women and children, many think that it is not a place for MEN to visit. Even if awareness have been created that these organizations are for all genders, men feel hesitant to visit these organization as the name itself suggest WOMEN. The name of the organization itself creates a bar for the Men to visit those places to seek any advice they got to provide. The whole world has been empowering women and gradually women have been picking up the pace with Men. In case of Bhutan, as far as I am concerned, the gender discrimination has dropped down drastically. The gender disparity that we see today in politics, work stations, in institutions, colleges and schools is not because of gender bias. I feel the capability, self-esteem and of course the competition that they have to face with men is the main reason. As far as the opportunity is concern, I can say there is no gender bias in Bhutan, we have equal opportunity. It is nowhere stated, 'NO WOMEN' and ‘ONLY MEN'. We have equal rights. 

If we empower women all the time, I was thinking at one point of time 'won’t there be a time when the world will have to empower MEN?’. In the recent national news of Bhutan, it was reported that the male victims visiting the RENEW has increased over the past few years. This clearly shows that women on other hand are getting empowered and Men are losing what they have already. Bhutan at one point of time also discussed of having women quota in the parliament. Parliamentarians are voted by the people and people know who would serve them well. If we start providing quota for women in every field, then this would definitely create gender bias in other way round in the long run. We never know.  

If we are talking about ‘no gender bias’, there should be 'Father's Day' and 'International Men's Day'. I was thinking of these because; the world will not face the problem of empowering MEN in the future. Some men are always the victim of women and especially when it comes to transgender, we never know who is victim and who the culprit is. So we have to prepare for the unexpected things.  

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