Friday, December 13, 2013

How Did I Meet Her……?

Many young boys become very much familiar with a term called girlfriend or boyfriend at a very young age. But for me it was not the case. It would be wrong if I just say I didn’t hear the terms, but you won’t believe if I say I was not into such relationships until I was 20 years of age. By then I was in college (first year) when I first moved into a thing called Love relationships. 
When I was small, I used to think, what is it that they get when they said they are girlfriend--boyfriend. I used to feel ashamed when I see a girl and boy going for a date. And even I used to feel that I would never get into these things in my life. But on one hand, I found them having good times together. They used to help each other when in difficult times and would share happiness or sadness together. Then I thought, wow! It’s a good thing to have relationships.

I was bit inspired by some of the couples I came across. I used to listen to their filthy stories of going for date and I used to get thrilled sometimes. Those imagery moments would sometimes drive me crazy of being into relationships. But I was reluctant to go into it because I was a very shy guy at first and secondly I felt having such relationships were unethical being a loyal child to my parents and a loyal student to my teachers. So those two conflicting feelings used to always haunt me day and night. 

When I was going through such feelings, my friends used to tease me with girls, I used to blush out and sometimes even get mad on them. With more teasing even I used to sometimes feel, it’s okay to love someone. So sometimes I used to fall for a girl with good looks but never had the guts to go and tell her or write her. In front of my friends I would get mad for teasing me but silently I would fall for the girl. But my love and admiration for any girl would be a silent one. No one would know that I am in love or I am admiring someone, just me and God of course. 
By then I was in high school and I was growing manlier both physically and mentally. The temptation towards girl increases as we grow and was happening with me. I used to tease girls in groups, never alone and also used to hang out with more girl friends in schools. In my school days, I got three proposals from three different girls. If I were someone who is brave, could have been into relations with them but I was so reluctant that I could not even be friend with them. I missed three chances…hahaha. 
Then I was in class 11 science when I first saw a fragile girl, so simple and of course beautiful. I used to watch her going for breaks and walking into the class. I was admiring her until one day I came to know that she was a girlfriend of my own friend. Of course it was not so hard for me to ignore her because I was used to loving and admiring someone silently. 
She was totally out of my mind for almost two years. I completed class 12 and I got into Sherubtse College. That was in the year 2008. After I have completed one semester in College, I with my brother and friend went to Thimphu. We halted in Bumthang and it was just me and my friend inside a room. Then my friend handed over me a phone which he has already dialed someone. I hesitantly received and the moment I put the phone to my ear, someone on the other side said “Hello…” It was a young girl I could figure out, she was bit bossy and stylish. The moment I said hello…she started talking to me in English. Then we had quite a long conversation and in a process it was a surprising thing to know that she was the girl whom I once saw in my high school days and admired her. 
Then thereafter, I took my chance and kept her number and started calling her every time. Even in college, we used to talk late night and share everything. By the time I realize everything; I was already in a relationship with her. I loved her then. I never made a formal proposal but it so happened that we were a girlfriend and boyfriend. It was really a thrilling moment for me to be in relation after so many years of seeing others having relationships. It was in 2009, we became one in two souls and even to this day, we are the same. I love her and I have made up my mind already to be with her. Her name is Kencho and I am Karma.
This is a story of how a love alienated boy moved into the romantic world for the first time and it will be the last time!!!

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