Thursday, December 12, 2013

Women, money and alcohol: Which one to choose????

Given the option to choose one from Women, money and alcohol, I have no proper stand to choose my best because I am simply fond of all…lol kidding. To be frank, I have never fallen in love before nor do I at present. But I don't know about the future. Hope I may not. While coming to money, yeah, I am fond of it, so fond of it that I can do anything for it. While in my childhood, I had an ambition to become one of the richest men in the country. My friends would say that they had never seen people like me who were so desirous and ambitious. With defilement of such desirous mind, I would even day dream about myself becoming the richest man with several workers under me.

However, it was when I was in class 9, my ambitious mind of earning money was completely changed after having had drunk alcohol for couple of times with my friends. Umm... how I got addicted into alcohol would be of long story and it is not necessary to narrate here also. So, at this juncture, let me focus on choosing the best one amongst aforesaid options.

Our life seems so meaningless unless we enjoy out of it. My dream of becoming the richest man is now been expunged from the mind. The material world is nothing permanent. We can’t even take a piece of needle along with us when we go into the other world. So, the life, as far as I’m concerned, must be of totally carefree. Thus, money is not my part.

The carefree life is ensured by deglutition of alcohol. For me, alcohol makes me warm, interesting and its hallucination effect takes me into the heaven. But it is just my personal feeling. 

While coming to women, I feel this is also not much importance for me. Because, leading a married life will again lead to materialism. Having born children, we will have to struggle to raise them up. Therefore, neither women nor money could be my option. 

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