In one of the remotest parts of Eastern Bhutan, in a Small
village called Gayul, Mr. Dorji along with her beloved Mrs. Samphelma, their
two children and his old father lived happily in a small hut. There are about
ten households in Gayul village and this community existed happily and
peacefully helping each other. No road access, no electricity and no modern
facilities like cell phones, television but few of them had radio through which
they were connected to rest of the places. Despite not having the luxury to
enjoy all those modern gadgets, people in this small community were happy and
for the peace in the country, they were thankful to the far sighted
After having completed all their farming works, they were
much delighted to reap their harvests. Mr. Dorji was tuning on to his radio
whilst looking after his few cattle. He heard of the great events of 2008, the
100 years of monarchy, the coronation of 5th King and the institution of
democracy in Bhutan. It was then 2006 and he was much happier that Bhutan has
successfully passed 100 years of happiness and new King will be crowned. But
was bit confused on what would that "democracy" mean. Then in next
few weeks they were called to attend meeting on democracy and were told that
their beloved King has come all the way from capital city to guide and
enlighten them with democracy and various clauses of the constitution of
Bhutan. Much delighted because it was a great opportunity for them to have an
audience with their beloved King. They attended and after much deliberation,
they could understand that actually their King is gifting them with democracy
where no leaders in the world could have done. They were bit saddened as they
were already happy under the leadership of the beloved King. With many mixed
feelings, Mr Dorji and his wife along with other people got back to their
village. They even approached village head that they don't want power and they
are happy with monarchy system. "But the King has a farsighted vision and
thought that Bhutan has to change with time" this is what some thought and
they waited patiently.
2008 came and they were called time and again to attend
talks from different people who called themselves "...your representative
for next five years and if you vote for me. I will....." and gave all
their manifestos. Even people who called themselves as party representatives
came door to door and explained them why they have to vote for their party. Different
people came with different promises and Gayulpas were very much confused. They
were also told that the vote must be confidential and that they are not allowed
to share even to their family members. But many people in their small village
joined different party and were now divided. Mr. Dorji recalled old days and
was bit saddened by the way people in the village take democracy. People
felt, democracy means they can do anything and now they have the right to do
anything they like. So when more and more talks went on about election, more
and more people got divided. Finally all of them, young (above 18) and old cast
their votes and results were declared. Some happy and some were not but the
cohesiveness in that small community was destroyed. Mr. Dorji was not happy
with that and tried to get all people together and accept democracy in a good
As it was promised, Gayul was connected with roads, got
electricity and Gayulpas were very much thankful to democracy that their voices
could be reached to the National Assembly and were deliberated thoroughly. 2013
came and people in Gayul were not so worried because they now have the
experiences from 2008 and are ready to contribute for nation building by voting
for the right party candidate. Not much of division as they have now learned
that it is their right to vote for the one whom they think would bring positive
changes to their community and country as a whole. They voted and results came
and are now waiting for the changes they have promised to bring to this small
and happy Gayul village. People in Gayul village are so optimist that their
representatives will never let them down and soon they will experience the
changes as promised.
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