Friday, September 26, 2014

LIFE Teach us Many Things

It has been almost a month without even visiting our blog. The schedule has been tight but now when I look back, nothing productive have I done. This is how our life goes. We think we are busy all day but at the end of the day, nothing credible would have been achieved. 

We are growing old every second and we waste every second without doing anything good for self or for others. Many such seconds in a day will sum up to minutes, hours, days and by the time we realize, so many years would have been already wasted. Sometimes I feel I have wasted all those 16 years of education, learning something and now land up doing entirely a different thing. By saying this I don't mean to be disloyal. But when I look at it from a different angle, education is not only about the subject knowledge, I have learnt a lot more than that, so its in fact not a waste. 

I don't know what is wrong with me. I wanted to do something but the moment the time comes for me to go about it, I am not able to do it. I think of many things in life, many dreams and aspirations, but all these remain as a dream. I have been dreaming so high in life but always land up in the middle, the best part of it is, never let me down to the bottom. So I have learnt that, to hit the bulls-eye from a distant, we can’t hit it if we aim for it but we can if we aim little above the bulls-eye.  

We people have been pampered so much by spoon feeding. If we are left alone, we are lost. From kindergarten till the degree level, we are being fed with spoon. So later once we are in job, lucky for those who have seniors and bosses who guide them well, others have to suffer on their own. They have to learn by doing on trial and error basis. And that is what I have been doing. Learn by doing and that in fact is a good thing I observed in those people because they earn the wisdom themselves and such skills will never be gone from them. 

In life we encounter many things. Thinking positive and being positive always get rewarded at the end. No possessiveness, of course in love we tend to become more possessive, that shows your true love but if people don't understand your possessiveness, it turns bad. No egoism, we can have peace life, by being small, we will never become small. There is no problem for pretending not to know when you know but many problems arises if you pretend to know everything when you know nothing. Be who you are and never try to show who you are not. There will be peace in your mind. What hurts you will hurt others too. What you love will be loved by others. Therefore we have to understand each other. If you don't like being hated, never hate others. This is a simple Buddha teaching, help others to help yourself. Pray for other's well-being and you will live well. These are what I have learnt in life.  

Have a happy life ahead.  

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