Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Way forward to the fatherhood

My mobile phone beeps its alarm in the silent lighted room while the darkness still looms outside. I rummage under the pillow to reach mobile phone while my eyes are still blurred due to brief sleep last night. I can hardly open my eyes in the light that is kept lighted to ensure watchfulness on my baby for his safety while sleeping aside. I put off the alarm and look outside the window.  Below my home is the highway. There, I see dazzling lights from a  few plying vehicles but I see not even a single jogger running, it is too early for them, of course. 

It is not easy to wake up this early. I usually wake up only at 7:30 am, at which, when I look out of the window, I use to see some of the joggers returning to their homes after running. But of late, I have got to shoulder extra responsibility having become a father of a child. My wife gave birth to a son on the 1st September, 2014. Since then, I have been spending sleepless nights, and, at the most, I get 4 hours to sleep. Worries intensify when the child cries at night which eventually deprives my sleep. This is how I spend my night. 

Besides sleepless night, my wife is still not recovered from the post-delivery sickness. Her duty of house chore is handed over to me. So, I wake up early in the morning to get these things done.

It’s only 4: 30 am when my mobile phone beeps its alarm. In this wee hour of the morning, I wash my face and tidy the rooms. Then, I prepare breakfast to be fed myself and wife. By that time, day light is already broken. I have to get ready to go to office. Before that, I wash all nappies of the child that have been piled up after its usage in the previous night. And I prepare lunch for my wife to readily feed herself in my absence. Getting these things done, I go to office.  
In the office, I don’t have peace. My mind keeps worrying. Will not my child fall sick when I m in office? How they would have eaten lunch? If my child is crying….that sort of bullshits… 

Back from the office, I again have to wash nappies that are used in the day. Then, I have to prepare dinner besides pampering my child when he cries. It’s very tiresome. And of course, at such time, a bottle of beer makes me feel better. 

The most awkward thing is, having to spend sleepless night when I am suffering from cough and cold. I really hate coughing incessantly at night which makes my neighbors awake like me.  

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