Monday, May 11, 2015

WHY DO WE EAT? Do we Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

If we had no stomach, will we be working still? I had this question since I was a little boy looking after the cattle with a torn notebook in hand. Actually was herding cattle and at the same time preparing for the exams. This was the only help I could render to my parents. I was then in class two.

One day when I was with my daily chores of looking after the cattle, an elderly man came by. He was carrying a bunch of firewood on his back. I know him very well, a jolly person, worthy to spend time with; he is a friendly neighbor. A locally brewed wine is his favorite. I always used to give him a cup or two without even my parent’s consent. That is why he always come to me and share all the skills and experiences he had as an army personnel some twenty years ago. He sat beside me with a long “whoosh of breathe”. I helped him rest his firewood stably on the little slope so that it would be easier for him to lift it latter. “Have to bear the hardships because of this stomach” he spoke in a tone that was regretful placing his hands on his stomach. I smiled. He was really tired; I offered him whey that I was carrying in my bag. After having rested for sometimes, I tied my cattle, two of them and a calf. I helped the man get up with his firewood and walked with him to my house. I knew what he was expecting. My parents were out for works at neighbor’s place and it was easier for me to offer his favorite quenching brand. I looked for it but all bottles were empty. I felt it would upset him. I opened the jar and sieved out a cup of alcoholic liquid, locally termed as ‘singchhang’ and offered him apologetically for not having local wine. He gulped at once and warned me if my parent knows about it. He also taught me an idea to add some water into it so that it will be unnoticed by them. I did it like he said and lidded tightly. He went with a smile on his face and I went back to untie my cattle and herd them.

That night his statement ran all over my nerves. I questioned myself, why do I study? Why do I look after cattle? Why do my parents work so hard in sun and rain? Why do neighbors fight over boundaries? Why everybody is busy morning till evening? And many such questions. That is where I started to think “If we had no stomach, will we be working still?” The man that I met earlier that afternoon was very much aware of it. But now when I think back about this statement, having learnt a bit of science, if there had been no stomach, none of our body parts would have been functional as stomach is the main organ that digest and distribute food to various other organs to function properly. Stomach is necessary and every sentient beings work hard to get this organ filled up before going to sleep. If we just narrow our thinking that we work to earn food and we eat food to work to earn a food again, there is no purpose in life. I once read a book that states ‘the purpose of life is life of purpose’ so we need to have purpose in life. If we have the purpose, we will have many other reasons to live and many other reasons to eat. Not just eat to live and live to eat. We have to eat to live and when we live because we eat, we have to fulfill the purpose. So it becomes ‘eat to live to fulfill the purpose of life’.

From the religious point of view; we are taught that we have to eat only to gain the energy to practice Dharma. The purpose of Dharma practitioner is to liberate all sentient beings from the oceans of suffering, the ‘Samsara’. The Dharma practitioner like great Yogi Jetsun Milerepa survived on a single meal of nettle plant broth a day. Lord Buddha meditated feeding on a single grain a day for six years just to attain the enlightenment and help liberate other beings. If we have that purpose in life, we will eat bearing in mind that, ‘I am eating just to gain enough energy to fulfill my purpose’. That is a mindful eating. Eating with mindfulness gives the adequate energy that is required by our body. Science says we have to chew twenty four times before we swallow just to grind it well. This is as good as mindful eating. If we eat mindfully, there will not be any cases of diabetes or other lifestyle related diseases. Being mindful helps us to focus at our purposes, it helps us to eat with compassion, it makes us thank for the joy that we get out of eating and the most importantly it let us know the purpose of eating.

Human beings do not make own food. We depend on other living beings for food. So we have to be thankful to them. Once I was in my friend’s house and he has cooked some sweet potatoes. I took a bite and enjoyed the sweetness of it. “Indeed it is a miracle that the plants can make a sugary taste themselves” he said with a look of confusion. And now we get to taste that sweetness, we have to be thankful for the joy that they are able to provide us. We have to be compassionate while eating because our food cost a life of other living beings. Eat with good purpose, the ultimate thing. So eat not for the taste, eat to gain energy and that energy should be used to fulfill the good purpose in life. We should not live to eat, live for the purpose and eat as a tool to reach that purpose. I eat to live with purpose and live to get my purpose done. 

The man that I met that afternoon passed away in the year 2011 when I was in 2nd year in college. It was sad to know but he has lived his life with a purpose. He reared all his seven children and they are now of their own.       

***THE END***          

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