Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Being Positive Always

Life is full of ups and downs. There are days sometimes when you wake up in the morning feeling dejected, distressed, despaired and feeling like doing nothing the whole day. And there are times when one morning you wake up feeling so relaxed, energized, excited and ready to face anything the following day. This very few moments in the morning define the day for all of us. 

The feelings that we get in the morning is actually conditioned by the state of our mind the night before we went to sleep. Just imagine tomorrow is your birthday or a very special day for you. You will wake up feeling so excited and relaxed the next morning. And if you go to bed with so much worries and stresses, the next morning you wake up exhausted. So it is preconditioned. No matter where your life drags, you should look at it positively. Your car goes through rubble but you are being comforted by the cushion and do not feel the effect. In a similar way you have to cushion yourselves from all those negative things in your life. If you fail, remember, you are a step closer to your success. The successful people get excited with 'NO' in their life because they believe it is their 'Next Opportunity' to prove themselves that they are not what they seemed to be. Every failure in life has to be taken as a lesson and build foundation on it. It is said, wise men learn from their mistakes and the wiser you are if you learn both from your mistakes and the mistake of others. Shiv Khera in his book has mentioned that the only difference between the ordinary people and the extraordinary people is the 'extra'. That extra input that they put in makes them extraordinary. 

As far as possible in life, you have to avoid excuses. Excuses are the deadly trap that entraps you from reaching the success. You would feel you have cheated others giving excuses but you are actually cheating yourselves. Excuses breed mediocrity and mediocre people are always complacent. Complacent people are limited by many things in life and there is no way they are going beyond it. Looking at something positively breeds positive things only. Even the negative things can be changed to positive. If you are being criticized for your work, take it positively. Learn from it rather than confronting it. It means there is a room for improvement and prove your strengths. If you have lost something valuable, rather than repenting over and blaming self or others, try to be calm and look for a solution. Stop blaming each other because it will not help, it only creates disharmony. Even if you can’t find it and there is no other way you can find it, accept that it is lost and do not curse anyone because it never helps. Rather, pray that let it be useful for someone and give happiness to anyone who uses it. If you feel this way, there is no way you can keep on thinking about it, haunting you.  

So, even if you wake up full of worries and anxieties, calm down, go for a walk, get energized, reading some inspirational books, breathe deeply and make your mind still. Think nothing for few moments. Be in 'Now' state, not in future and not in past. That will help you boost your energy and you will have many options to tackle whatever situation you encounter. Maintain the positivity in you; never get too excited when everything goes well because you can't take the feelings when something goes wrong. The first few hours of your day right after you get up is very crucial. Start up with something positive like going for walk, reading some inspirational quotes/books and some mindful breathing exercises. It helps set up your day bright. I always remember this quotation by Shiv Khera, "Winners don't to different things, they do things differently".       

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