Friday, January 17, 2014

Why Visit Eastern Parts of Bhutan!

Bhutan is well known for its unique national identities and her uniqueness of life styles of people living there, their culture and traditions, the architecture and breathtaking landscapes are the main focus point of the visiting tourists. And tourism sector is one of the accelerating forces of Bhutanese economy. But sadly the eastern part of Bhutan do not receive tourist as much as those fortunate in the western region of the country. One reason could be the winding roads that they have to pass and rapid changing climatic conditions as we ascend and descend the mountain passes. But now with the development of domestic airports in Trashigang and Bumthang, I think it is time for the people in the eastern region to grab the opportunities. For these reasons, I want to explore the significant places in the six eastern districts for the kind information of the tourists and their associated guides to plan accordingly.    
  1. In Mongar we have Aja Ney, a place for trekking and it’s very religious. We also have Yakgang lhakhang, Shami lhakhang, Jayphu Lhakhang, Pongchola lhakhang, Tsanphu etc... Out of these, Shami, Jayphu and Tsanphu are located in an adventurous place; have to trek through dense forest enjoying the pristine flora n fauna. And also people there celebrate many local festivals.
  2. In Lhuntse we have Singye Dzong one of the sacred places in Bhutan.  It is also a place where famous textiles popularly known as Kishuthara are produced by local men and women and also earthen pots which are a good sources of income for people there. In Lhuntse there is also a giant Guru Statue overlooking the valley. 
  3. In Trashigang, there are diverse group of people having diverse culture and traditions. Merak Sakteng is a place for adventurous trekking through beautiful hills and valleys. Beside this, we have Rangjung Woesel Choling gonpa, a replica of many other Buddhist temples in world like Potala and Mindroling monastery, also Yangnyer Chorten which is a replica of Dorji Dhen Chorten, Barshong Temple newly founded by Zuri Tulku, Rangshikhar which a place of meditation of  Rangshikhar Rinpoche and many others Dupthobs. Youngphula also provides a very good view of the valley below. It’s a place where newly operated domestic airport is in place. 
  4.  In Trahi Yangtse, we have Chorten Korwa and Gomphu korwa as u have mentioned in your profile. There are very interesting histories about these two sacred places. There are annual event organized in these places where people from all walks of life come to pay their homage. People from neighboring states (Monpas) of Arunachal Pradaesh also participate in the event because they have the historic connections with the Festival. Yangtse is also a famous place for Black necked crane (Bomdelling) and Bomdelling sanctuary provides very good views of various flora and fauna.  There are also many religious sites like Ombah Nay (Aa is Aja Ney and Hung is Hungrel Ja in Paro), Rigsum Goenpa, one of the three important Goenpas in Bhutan (the other two are Yongla Goenpa in Pemagatshel and Talo Goenpa in Punakha), Dechen phodrang, Thrichu Goenpa.and many more…. Also a place for Dapa (wooden plate & mug) productions. 
  5.  Pemagatshel- The name “Pemagatshel” itself literally means lotus garden of happiness. It was named by Duejom Rinpoche astonishing upon having seen the mountain structures resembling the lotus petals. We have Yongla Goenpa (aforementioned) which is considered one of the sacred places in Bhutan.  It is also famous for the productions of Dung and Jaling ( Religious trumpets) and also people there produces locally made sugarcane chocolate popularly known as Tshatshi buram. Recently established Dungsam Polymers and Gypsum cement factory are also located in Pemagatshel. 
  6.  Samdrup Jongkhar – This place is a business hub for eastern people. People from all regions gather there to do business. Shingkhar Lowri is a remote place in the district which is a good place for trekking. People in that village perform local dance known as Acho Lhamo Chham. This unique dance has got a very good history. It is a bordering town which borders with India and is considered one of the oldest towns in Bhutan. Samdrup Jongkhar was also an important place where many battles were fought in early days. 
These are some of the important historic sites in the eastern region which are so far unexplored. I know it would be very expensive for a tourist to make a tour to these places and they don’t want to but these are some of the significant places to convince them. Tourism is one of the driving forces in poverty alleviation and if the concerned agency like travel agent and tourism council could operate well in east, it would help the people of eastern Bhutan.


Thank You!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Betrayal

Love was all he dreamt of when he was still a small school going boy in early 90s. He has witnessed many boys and girls of his age moving into the world of love and having what they called a fun of love. But at his age he felt it was just a waste of time being into such affairs and study was what he was up to then.

But it would be wrong to say that people doesn't fall in love unless they are born as saints. Every youngster (few oldsters) has a desire at one point in their life to fall for someone of opposite sex (few for same sex) and build up a beautiful and lasting relationship. But many fall as prey for love. Even he as a little boy had a dream of having a loving, caring and a committed love for his life. But hearing and sometimes even seeing the bitter taste of love in some of his youngster friends, he never had a desire then to fall for someone. He always believed and said to himself “A dog will have his own day”

He was in the college and nothing changed. He was just concentrating in his studies and his career. It so happened that when he was still in first year, he met his first love. Thanks to mobile phone that his brother gave him, he met his first ever love through a number that his friend gave him. They have never seen each other but they fell in love through phone calls. I think I am wrong to say that they have never seen, because they were once schoolmate long time back and also they have seen their pictures through facebook. He then realized that his day has come. He was so committed and dedicated for her; he has fallen for her so deep that nothing could separate him from her. They were so attached and could not spend an hour without talking to each other. But it was time for her to leave for studies abroad. It was very hard for him to separate; he could not resist the pain of letting her go afar. His only worry was she might forget him because of the distance but he was assured when she said she will never fall for anyone other than him in her lifetime. She said not to fear as she would be always waiting for him and will only love him forever. This made him stronger and she left for studies. Three years were too much for him to spend all alone. He missed her so much and even made so many calls (She did too) and that kept their love alive. When she was on vacations, he would come all the way from his college, taking leave to meet her.

He was so confident that true love ever ends and nothing can separate them from each other. Three years have passed and she was back. He was very happy to be with her after so long. He thought now they could leave happily forever. But he came to know that she was not the same girl whom he loved three years ago. He has seen the change in her. She has lost interest in him. He was not very sure what has happened to her. Later he came to know that she was having an affair with another boy in her college and she did not even think of him for last three years. For him he was so dedicated and did not think of anyone other than her. The news was like a heavy blow on his face. He was hurt a lot and nothing could have been so hurtful than that news. He thought she might have missed him like he did, but it was not, she was happy with other guy and did not even have a time to think about him. He never imagined she could betray him. He trusted her so much and was sure that nothing such would happen with her. But later when he came to know this, he felt he was dead man walking, he did not feel his heartbeat and did not feel the warmth of his body. He lost all his dreams and desires in his life with her and he even found no intentions to live in this world. He thought of living this world but on other side he thought of his poor parents and her parents who already knew that they were into relationships. He has lost all his trust for her and even now he feels that he is just another guy whom she is acquainted with and not the one whom she can spend the rest of her life. He feels that she doesn't love him and she is ever ready to leave him any time for her college love. He was brutally betrayed for having loved her truly for so many years.

He realized that true love is true only when both are true to each other. If one is not true, it can’t exist. She was his first love and he was betrayed. He now never believes in true love, he gave his true love but was betrayed. True love never dies and nothing can separate true lovers are all lies; distant lover is never to be trusted. He hates love, it hurts a lot. Love hurts sucks and fucks (for those who have been betrayed).

Friday, January 3, 2014

Mind Your Judgement

I have a tendency of judging people by their looks. May be one in millions might have been correctly judged but majority are not. The looks are deceiving. I have experienced it with my own trusted person. The person whom I trusted so much appeared to me so innocent, simple, tender and soft, appeared to be very shy who would not even mingle with friends of the same sex, who would not drink, smoke nor go out (date) with anyone. That person is a very shy one who would not even walk alone or talk to anyone else as far as I know.

So I was very much sure that person would be the same in reality. Not only will I, anyone who would come across that person will have the same thought as me. But I was deceived by the looks. I could not believe my ears when I heard that the person whom I thought simple and innocent is doing many things which are not spoken of by his/her looks. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the pictures, videos and the change that I have never expected. Nobody would have expected that. The person was such a shy one, innocent but later I came to know that the same person has got the guts to flirt, party late nights, go for a date, sleeping with the opposite sex....etc... I have never ever expected out of that person. I was really deceived. 

So therefore it is a lesson to everyone, I know its human instinct to judge by the looks, we say if someone is quiet and shy, he/she is simple, innocent and good and if someone is talkative, rocking, party goers to be characterless, bad and so on...but now I realized never to judge by their looks. Better learn them closely, and you will be shocked to see that their looks never speak what they are up to in real. Looks are deceiving. Really it is. Do not judge a book by its cover.

Gawai Hingtam

Dedicated to all the viewers and Listeners.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Respect for Girls

May be because I was so attached to my Mom (doesn't mean I am detached from my Dad), I have my respect from my heart for all girls. They I feel are the most respectable person in the society because we all know how much our Mom means to us. All girls are capable of being mother and all mothers are the same as our own Moms. They are tender, soft and love and care givers to everyone. They are nurturer, a teacher and guidance to every new life that they give. 

I feel women are characterized by softness and that is why it is not a problem even for me to approach any women, be it my boss or stranger (if at all needed). We feel much more comfortable dealing with girls than the boys. The scientific study shows that women are softer than boys due to level of hormones. They have got more level of estrogen, which contribute to their softness. Boys have more level of testosterone which contributes to more masculine appearance. 

I have my deepest respect for my Mom (and Dad) because thanks to her, today I am here able to stand on my own feet among many others. In the same way, I feel the same for other girls too. The responsible that they will shoulder sooner or later will be the same that of my mom. I feel bad when our girls fall prey to some remorseless situation. The responsible that they will shoulder in the society will be of greater significance in bringing up the nation. The guidance that they give the values they instill and the path that they show to all new lives that they give will have greater impact in the future. Good mother nurtures her child well and in fact she nurtures the future of the nation.     

For the greatest responsibilities that they shoulder, for the love and care that they give and for comfort that they create in a family or society, I respect all girls from the deepest of my heart.