Thursday, March 26, 2015

How I Start and End My Day Perfectly

I get up every day at 6AM in the morning and I don't need an alarm or anyone to get me out of the bed. I go to bathroom and fresh up myself. I switch on the water boiler and after having put on my jogging outfit and I go for jogging for at least 20 minutes. I want to increase little more. No music, music can be the best but for me I say prayers as I jog. When I get back home, I brew tea and prepare a cup of green tea. When the tea is still boiling in a low flame I do exercise for my entire body followed by breathing exercises for at least 5-10 minutes. By the time I finish my exercise, it will be 7:00AM. After that I take a cup of tea (less sugar) and start reading a book. When I am done with tea, I take green tea. I take three cups of green tea till whole of the tastes have been extracted from the green tea. I read till 8:15AM or sometimes I do till I complete few chapters of the book. After that, I drink a cup of milk or sometimes a very light breakfast to energize myself for the day. 

Then I prepare to go to office. By 8:45AM I go to office, most of the time I get a ride and rarely do I take a cab to get to office. Once in office I do office works till it gets over by 4 or 5PM. Once in office, I take green tea more often and I do not take heavy lunch. I take a cup of tea (Less sugar) and a small plate of Chana. Sometimes I take plain noodles. If available I take fruits. Once back home in the evening, I take my diner. I make sure that I take diner not later than 8PM. After 8PM I take nothing but a cup or two of green tea. 30 minutes or more after diner, I go for a brisk walk with music on this time. After getting back home, I take a cup or two of green tea and watch TV (news and other interesting and important programs) till 9PM and sometimes even till 10PM depending on the TV programs. After that, I repeat my body exercises and breathing exercise. Then I continue reading till 12 Midnight and then after having practiced the breathing exercise one more time I go to bed in peace. 

On weekends, I read more till I feel unease reading, I cook, I do washing, cleaning and sometime go to friend's house and shopping too. I watch more TV than usual. Almost my weekends remain the same as other week days. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Unique National Identities of Bhutan

The National Identities are very unique for every nation and is one perfect tool to maintain the sovereignty of the nation. Like in many other nations, Bhutan, the Himalayan Kingdom lying between the two giant nations China to the north and India to the south has very unique and beautiful national identities. Bhutan has been enjoying peace and prosperity and has been never colonized. Thanks to our great leaders and our bold ancestors, Bhutan with handful of population fought their battles in north and south to safeguard its small nation. One very strong tool that Bhutan used was her unique national identities that every single Bhutanese took pride in preserving it. Still to this day, the preservation and promotion of our unique national identities are given the highest priority among other developmental activities. Here are some of the Bhutan's Unique National Identities: 
1.  National Day: Bhutan, a small nation was then ruled by many different petty rulers and people were never united in peace until a brave and courageous leader Sir Ugyen Wangchuck came to the throne on 17th December 1907. The people of Bhutan came together and enthroned Sir Ugyen Wangchuck as the first hereditary Monarch of Bhutan. Since then the day 17th December has been celebrated as the National Day of Bhutan. A day to pay respect and tribute to our great leaders and ancestors. In 2014 December 17, Bhutan celebrated her 107th National Day.  
2.  National Flag: Bhutan National flag is rectangular and is composed of two colors, yellow and orange. In the middle it has a dragon facing outward which symbolizes the name Druk (Bhutan). 
3.   National Anthem: The national anthem of Bhutan consists of six lines in our own national language. It can be lightly translated as “In the country, Bhutan adorned with cypress, The Protector who reigns over the realm of spiritual and secular traditions, He is the King of Bhutan, the precious sovereign. May His being remain unchanging, and the Kingdom prosper, May the teachings of Buddha flourish and may the rays of happiness shine over the people"
4. National Emblem: It is circular. Inside the circle there are two vajras intersecting each other above the lotus enclosed by male and female dragons. Above all is a wish fulfilling jewel and each component of the emblem has its own significance. The emblem is used on official documents and official sites.
5.   National Language: Dzongkha is the national language of Bhutan. It was originally spoken by the people of western Bhutan. There are about 34 dialects in Bhutan out of which Dzongkha is the National Language of Bhutan. It is taught in schools starting from pre-primary education till the degree level, both in writing and speaking. Almost more than 80-90% of Bhutanese can understand and speak Dzongkha. 
6.  National Dress: Bhutan has a unique national dress. There many different kinds of dresses people wear in Bhutan in different parts of the country but one has been identified as the National Dress of Bhutan. It is not like a pants and shirts like in many other nations. For boys it is called as Gho and for Girls it is called as KiraGho is worn like an over jacket but it is tied at knee length with a belt. Kira is also tied at the waist with the help of belt and is at the length of an ankle. Girls also wear wonju from inside and tego from outside. The dresses are very beautiful and are designed with beautiful flowers with many different patterns. 
7.   National Tree: Cypress (Cupressus torolusa) is the national tree of Bhutan. It has a spiritual connection with Bhutanese and is considered sacred. It is mainly grown near temples and Dzongs and is also used to offer to Gods. The tree grows tall and is dark green.  
8. National Flower: Blue Poppy (Meconopsis horridula), a blue colored flower that grows at higher altitude is a national flower of Bhutan. It grows to a height of one meter and is very beautiful. 
9.   National Animal: Takin (Burdorcas taxicolor) is a national animal of Bhutan. It is a very unique animal with a head of a goat and a body of a cow (For story: Read my article '10 places you not miss in Thimphu'). The animals are mostly seen on high altitudes but are also reared in a Takin zoo in Thimphu. 
10. National Bird: Raven (Corvus Corax Tibetanus) is the national bird of Bhutan. The royal crown also has the head of raven which also symbolizes the protecting deity of Bhutan. The bird is black in color and is mostly seen in higher altitude around Dzongs and Monasteries. 

***THE END***

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bhutan on Road to 2018 FIFA World Cup

 "The worst football team in the world" was what many referred to Bhutan National Football Team (BNFT) until when the tiny Himalayan Kingdom raised 35 positions up the rank. A 209/209 ranked football team; BNFT started its journey after having won the away match with Srilankan National Team on 12th March 2015 in Srilanka. Both the team played very well and neither of the team was able to score until the 86th minute when the midfielder of BNFT, Mr. Tshering Dorji scored a winning goal. His goal was the booster for other players and cheerers to play with even more spirit until the last minute. When the final whistle was blown, it was a triumph for all Bhutanese and a moment to be marked in the history of Bhutan. 

After winning the away game, BNFT was more confident about the home game. The 2nd match was scheduled on 17th March 2015 at the Changlimethang stadium in Thimphu, Bhutan. The day was historic for the Bhutanese. The stadium was houseful and everyone was very much excited to watch LIVE. The crowd zealously cheered up as the match kicked off at 16:00 hrs. local time. Just 5 minutes after the kick off, the Bhutanese striker Mr. Chencho Gyaltshen scored first goal. The goal was however equated by the equating goal from Srilankan striker just before the half time. 

After the half time, both the teams were at its highest performance. The crowd still cheering with anxiety as more pressure has been put towards BNFT by Srilankan. As the game drew towards the end, BNFT missed three golden opportunities to score, however that did not put them down. There was a tremendous pressure from Srilankan Team as the next goal for them will be a chance for them to stay in the circle of qualifying round. The Srilankan striker nearly scored a goal against BNFT at the 86th minute but was saved by the Bhutanese goal keeper and was cleared by the defender, a great relief for the BNFT supporters. Many thought it would be a draw and still BNFT will be at advantage side because of a win in away match. Srilankan Team played with persistent force with the hope to score another goal but all hopes shattered when Mr. Chencho Gyaltshen scored another goal at 90th minute. This was the moment when Bhutan crossed 35 other countries up the rank in football. 

The so far worst team has proven the capability and knew that the only way to move is to move up since the team was at the bottom. BNFT has qualified for 2nd round of FIFA World Cup Qualifying match and is already on the road to 2018 World Cup. Hearty Congratulations to BNFT and wish and pray for many such performances in  all next matches too. A Dragon roared and will roar till the end of road. Good Luck!     

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Never-coming International Men's Day and Father's Day

Our world is famous for many days, national and international. Of the many days, I wonder why only women's day and Mother's Day when men are equally important and play a significant role too. The only reason I could think of is due to the patriarchal world that we came through, but it is now no more with the whole world empowering women in every field.  

I don't know about other country, if I talk about my country Bhutan; we have here at least three organizations that look after women and children as well. The first is the NCWC (National Commission for Women and Children), the next organization is RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women) and the third organization is BAOWE (Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneur). Although their vision and mission are not confined to only women and children, many think that it is not a place for MEN to visit. Even if awareness have been created that these organizations are for all genders, men feel hesitant to visit these organization as the name itself suggest WOMEN. The name of the organization itself creates a bar for the Men to visit those places to seek any advice they got to provide. The whole world has been empowering women and gradually women have been picking up the pace with Men. In case of Bhutan, as far as I am concerned, the gender discrimination has dropped down drastically. The gender disparity that we see today in politics, work stations, in institutions, colleges and schools is not because of gender bias. I feel the capability, self-esteem and of course the competition that they have to face with men is the main reason. As far as the opportunity is concern, I can say there is no gender bias in Bhutan, we have equal opportunity. It is nowhere stated, 'NO WOMEN' and ‘ONLY MEN'. We have equal rights. 

If we empower women all the time, I was thinking at one point of time 'won’t there be a time when the world will have to empower MEN?’. In the recent national news of Bhutan, it was reported that the male victims visiting the RENEW has increased over the past few years. This clearly shows that women on other hand are getting empowered and Men are losing what they have already. Bhutan at one point of time also discussed of having women quota in the parliament. Parliamentarians are voted by the people and people know who would serve them well. If we start providing quota for women in every field, then this would definitely create gender bias in other way round in the long run. We never know.  

If we are talking about ‘no gender bias’, there should be 'Father's Day' and 'International Men's Day'. I was thinking of these because; the world will not face the problem of empowering MEN in the future. Some men are always the victim of women and especially when it comes to transgender, we never know who is victim and who the culprit is. So we have to prepare for the unexpected things.  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Review of the Book "VIRGIN"

Title: Virgin

Author: Cheryl Brooks

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of                      Sourcebooks, Inc.

Year of Publication: 2011

Gist of Book
The book is exotic and sensuously erotic science fiction. The Author Ms. Brooks is a critical nurse by night and a romance writer by day. Previously published works in her Cat Star Chronicles series include Slave, Warrior, Rogue, Outcast, Fugitive and Hero. The Book Virgin talks about a man who valued his freedom more than any woman until his eyes caught up the sight of a young and beautiful bar girl inside the bar where he was enjoying his drink. 

For last 33 years, he was all alone being captain to his own ship and delivering services to the people in that city. The moment he saw that girl, it suddenly changed his attitude towards girls and started dreaming about her instantly. His friends always used to tease him for not having able to win womans heart. This time he has his chance. When he was about to leave, the girl came to him asking him to take her with him in his ship to her place because she doesnt want to live there. He was happy and with other passengers on board they left. He fell immensely in love with her and even she was very much happy to be his first woman in life. The journey was awesome and the author has put all kinds of descriptions that the readers can easily picture. 

As they travel, they came to know that they are with the mission to be accomplished. The girl has her necklace (Acquerri stone) put on her neck. It was given by her father who was once a ruler in her village. The village broke up into chaos and disorders and broke up into two groups. They were fighting over the reinstatement of peace and all were in search of one of the five stones lost from their temple because of which the disorders are believed to have occurred. Knowing the mission, they gave their live to bring back the peace in that village. The people in that village knew the stone is kept safe with the daughter of their previous ruler but no one knew where his daughter was. When they saw the stone on girls neck, the mission has been explained to them and they accepted the mission. Risking their lives, they manage to put back the stone in the temple. The moment the stone has been put back in the temple, the words of an oracle have been heard from heaven by the hand of the loss daughter of Aquerei (name of that place) shall the new age begin. The peace has been restored. After that they led a very happy life together.

Interesting facts about the book
As we read thorough the books, the author gives even a very small detail of a situation which gives reader a clear picture of what has been described. The author also creates suspense in the reader in every end of the chapter which gives reader a passion to read more and more. It gives smile on the readers face, tears in their eyes and fear in heart as we read through the book. Though fiction, it enables us to think of another world in this world.  
Lessons Learnt   

In relation, we should not give our body without giving our heart. Like the main protagonist in this book who did not even touched a woman who have thrown themselves at his feet until he met a woman to whom he gave all his heart. The other thing is perseverance. Perseverance is an effective tool to accomplish any mission in life.     

Monday, March 9, 2015

Will smoking reduce weight???

This is my personal observation. I have seen many people smoking in the pretext of losing weight. What I have observed was, they only get fatter and those who are already thin become thinner. Ultimately both ways shorten live.

People usually pick the habit of smoking at the age of 15-25 when they are at youthful stage. The stage when they know how to make themselves look good in front of others, especially to the opposite sex. That is the stage they pick most of the habits in life, whether it is good or bad. Smoking and drinking are the two bad habits they pick up instantly at this stage. By the time they realize, they will have become addicted already. Then it will be the hardest thing to leave it. Here I want to share my personal opinion on the smoking habit. 

Why they pick up this habit? The main reason is to make themselves attractive in front of others. They are being misguided by peers, movie stars and movies that they look smart holding a cigarette in one hand and puff smoke in the air. And the other reason for smoking especially with girls is the fault mindset that the smoking will reduce their weight and make them more attractive with slim figure. With that intention and dream of becoming a queen for someone dashing, they pick up this habit of smoking. Either through friends or try themselves without the knowledge of others as they overheard someone say that smoking works. The thing is, as far as I know, it only affects us.

Here are some of the reasons why I feel smoking does not help in reducing weight:

At first what we exhale? We exhale carbon dioxide, why do we exhale, because it is a waste and our body (Blood) can’t resist its high concentration in our body. That is why; it is exhaled every now and then. When we smoke, the whole poisonous gas goes in directly into our lungs. While we breathe oxygen from air, it is being filtered by the hairs present in our nostrils. The smokes from a cigarette directly reach lungs. These smokes contain poisonous gases like carbon monoxide which the vehicle emits. The effect of this gas to a silencer pipes in cars is so intense. This same effect will be caused to our tender tissues in our lungs. Ultimately it will lead to lung failure (Cancer).

I will also explain the reason why smokers feel like smoking reduces weight. I have discussed earlier that we breathe out carbon dioxide because our body can’t resist it. When we smoke, it increases the amount of waste gas in our blood as a result our body tries to remove these harmful gases as fast as it could through exhalation. As a result the blood circulation increase which increases the heart rate. Therefore more energy is required. This energy is derived from metabolism and thus more amounts of foods (if no fats) are digested, hence the smokers feel their weights are beings reduced. But let me tell, one dangerous thing about smoking is smoking right after food. When foods are bring digested, it will be sent to different organs of the body and along with it, it will also carry the waste smoke from the blood. When people smoke every day, the whole blood will be filled with tinge of smoke and that is why we can even smell smoke from those who are chain smokers. Just give another thought, what if our body does not have enough energy already?  

When more energy are being utilized from our body for the elimination of harmful gases, the more lethargic our body becomes. As a result we tend to eat more and more. If we eat more and do not go for exercise, (one thing if we smoke, we can’t do exercise, just check it out) we tend to gain more weight. Then there comes a situation, more you smoke, more you eat and that is how fat becomes fatter. If you are thin already, controlling your diet and you tend to smoke. Your body does not have enough energy already. When you feel like eating, you can’t eat because you are habituated with controlled diet so you don’t want to eat food. Just eating junk foods will suffice your urge to eat food. But this food will not be able to provide the enough energy your body wants. As a result, all the energy will be drained from your body and you will become skinny and all your skin will become flaccid. Then you will be prone to many kinds of diseases. That is how thin becomes thinner.

So those who believe that smoking help to reduce weight, it is a wrong concept and you are going towards wrong direction. It takes our energy and affects all our tender tissues. You smoke and you do not go for exercise, you can’t become thin. The most effective way to reduce weight is exercise and diet control. Do not gorge yourself and do not fast. Take right amount at right time. Do regular exercise. This will not only reduce your weight but can also make you slimmer and sexy. Do not try to reach the goal overnight. Success requires hard work and nothing like miracle thing will happen in life overnight. So quit now if you are smoker and do not smoke if you are non-smoker.

Friday, March 6, 2015

How I regained my Hair in just few Weeks

One morning if you wake up to see patchy hair fall, don’t worry, here is one simple hair growth remedy. It is natural and totally simple yet effective. One day, my friend told me that I have a patchy hair fall. I checked and noticed that I have lost hair completely and has created a round patchy bald in the center of my head. It was a stressful thing for me then. The moment I see in the mirror, the moment I feel with my hand, it gave me no peace. I was obsessed and thought nothing would work. It did not give me peace of mind when at home or at work. I Googled and tried with garlic and onion juices. It did not give me fair result. Then one day, one of my friends told me this idea and I used it with total perseverance. Something miracle happened then: The remedy is homemade and is very simple. All you need is a kilo or half of fresh GINGER.

Things you need: Only Ginger most importantly

  1. Wash your hair clean of any oil first  in the evening before going to bed
  2. Dry up your hair with a dry towel
  3. Clean one piece of Ginger with water
  4. With the help of sharp blade/knife, take a slice of Ginger
  5. Rub the ginger slice before it is dried on the part you want the hair growth with little bit of force (Do not use intense force)
  6. Repeat this procedure (No. 5) with another slice for 4-5 times
  7. And leave it without touch for overnight
  8. Next morning again wash and repeat the same procedures at night
*Note: Sometimes when you rub with force in point 5, it will develop painful rashes but do not worry, this will go, and it will lead to faster hair growth because penetration of ginger juice will be faster into the hair bulb thus aiding faster hair growth. 

Do not discard these used slices; it can be kept in a container with some water to extract more juices out of it. This water can also be used to apply on the patchy area where you want the hair growth the next day after you have rubbed with the slice.

For better results, it should be done every night and clean the next morning. After few weeks, you will see the hair growth. I have followed this and it has really worked for me. Please give it a try and see if it works. If a very serious problem arises as a result of this method, better for you to consult physicians other remedies. It might depend from person to person and may not work for some; therefore, the reader’s discretion is highly advisable and respected. But for me, it worked and I hope it will work for you too. Good Luck. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

10 Places you should not Miss in Thimphu

  1. Buddha Point
The newly constructed Buddha point which is the largest in the world measuring 169feet stands on top of the hill overviewing the whole Thimphu City. It is a 10 minutes’ drive from the main town and the road passes through green passages up hill. Once in Buddha point, one can view every part of Thimphu city. It is a heavenly cloister, a place where every individual visits very often. Along the way to Buddha point, it is a place where everyone comes to relax after a day’s hard work. It welcomes with fresh air, greeneries and a clear view over the Thimphu valley below. Just before reaching the Buddha point, there is another interesting place called Kuensel Phodrang which is like a park overviewing the Thimphu valley. It is a place of rejoice, a perfect spot for family picnic and to get away from all emotions in life. Visit Buddha point and near areas if you happen to visit Thimphu.

  2. Memorial Chorten
The Memorial Chorten is located in the town. Before entering into the main town, it lies magnificently at the side of the road. As the name suggest, it was built in the memory of the third King of Bhutan. It is a place of worship for many all, both young and old. It is a three storied structure which are being held firm by the four lions in four directions with the help of an iron chains. Everybody starting form morning till late night, people go there to pray and receive blessings. It is a place where many old people from all walks of life come there to pray and spend time with their old buddies talking of old times.     

  3. Dzongs/Fortress
The Dzongs in Bhutan are mostly built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the 16th Century who came to Bhutan from Tibet. There are two important Dzongs in Thimphu City. One is the oldest Dzong in Bhutan, the Simtokha Dzong which was built in 1629. It is located south of Thimphu City at about 4.5 Kms. The other Dzong is the seat of His Majesty and the Je Khenpo (Secular Head), Tashichho Dzong. The Dzong was rebuilt several times and the current Dzong was renovated and enlarged at the time of His Majesty the Second of Bhutan. The huge magnificent Dzong was built without using a single nail or without having drawn a single line on paper. It was built by the Bhutanese Architects.  

  4. Monasteries
There are many monasteries within and at the extremity of Thimphu Thromde. The Changangkha Monastery lies within the city, about 5-10 minutes’ drive from the main town. It is also located over viewing the Thimphu City below. The Tandin Ney (sacred place) is located at the top of the hill facing Thimphu City. There is no settlement nearby and it also overlooks the most of the part of the city. Dechenphodrang Monastery lies above Tashi Chhodzong. It is a monastic school; many small monks are being trained there. Going above Dechenphodrang monastery are Wangdue Tse and Chhoekhor Tse which lies high up in the woods. Towards north is Tango and Chari Monastery which is a seat of Desi Tenzin Rabgay. Towards south we have Thada goenpa and Talakha Monastery located high in the hills. These monasteries and very significant and are considered very holy. People during the auspicious day visit these monasteries to pray and receive blessings.

   5. Coronation Park
The coronation park is located within Thimphu City along the Wangchhu River. It was constructed to commemorate the coronation of the 5th King of Bhutan. This is a place of rejoice and many people young and old go there to relax with the clear view of the stream flowing nearby. It is decorated with beautiful flowers and also there is a statue of a 45 feet standing Budhha on a lotus facing the city. The place is green and lively.     

   6. Sangaygang
Sangaygang point is located about 5-6Kms away from Thimphu main city. It is located on the way to Wangduetse and Chhoekhortse monasteries discussed above. The point is located above with a clear view over Thimphu valley, especially the northern part of the city. The point is a place where many people visit during holidays. The place is decorated with colorful prayer flags.

   7. Takin Zoo
Takin is a National animal of Bhutan. The Zoo is located on the way to Sangay point some 5KMs from the main town. The story says the Takin is a combination of goat and cow. It has a goat head and a body of a cow. The biography of Lam Drukpa Kuenly (The divine mad man) says that the lama after having the meat of a goat and cow, he snapped his finger and said “go and graze” and the animal stood and went to graze. It so happened that, the animal has a goat head and a body of a cow. This story is clearly narrated on the sign. The zoo is open to all unless we disturb the animals in any way.

   8. Botanical Garden
The Royal Botanical Garden is located about 15 Kms south of Thimphu city. The garden contain all kinds if flora and fauna which are native to Bhutan. The place is also a lovely picnic spot for Bhutanese and tourist. The place is green with beautiful flower and trees and other animals. It gives the true beauty of nature where by the people go on leave and camping.   

   9.  Dochula
Dochula is a pass just before entering Thimphu valley if we dive form east. It is 30 Km drive uphill from Thimphu town at about 3000m above sea level. It experiences early snowfall and lies in the think forest. The place also has 108 chortens built in the middle of the road. The travellers make a round around the chortens as it is believed that they are being blessed. It is also a famous tourist destiny.

  10.  Phajoding
Phajoding is located quite far away from Thimphu City but it is a famous hiking place for both local men and the tourist. It is located high above the hill and a perfect destiny for trekking. There are also monasteries and lakes in the Phajoding. It is a three hour hike up hill. People during holidays go for camping and it is the also the perfect spot for early snow fall. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Prepare Butter Tea (Suja)

Butter tea or locally termed as Suja is a well know tea for Bhutanese and also for Tibetans. It is served as the first item to the guest and the day start with a cup or two of butter tea in the morning. The procedure to prepare it is very simple.
  1.       Boil water depending on the number of people to be served.
  2.       Add tea leaves to give fantastic odour and also the texture.
    1. The tea leaves are locally made from locally available materials. The tea leaves used here  is different from what we use for brewing sweet tea. These tea leaves are prepared out of tree leaves (a particular kind of tree leaves (locally known as tsi tsi raba shing) or sometimes even uses some parasitic plants (Locally known as Nyashing Jorma) that grow on very big trees. These leaves (or the whole parasitic plants) are chopped into small pieces and are boiled (half cook) with the help of clean ash water. The chopped leaves and ash water are kept on fire till it gives dark red colour. After that it is dried and is ready for use. Sometimes it can be molded in various shapes to be marketed.
  3.  After having boiled the tea leaves till it gives the dark red color to the water, it is then transferred to the churner (A churning container made of bamboo usually).
  4. Then we add a slice or two of butter depending on the amount of water and salt. The salt has to be very light and we can add later if it is very much light.
  5. After that we churn for about 1-2 minutes or till we get a very good texture, a light brown texture. After that it is ready to serve. If the amount is less, even the blender can be used to churn without having to put into churner.
Benefits of Butter tea
  1.       It contains butter, therefore boosts our energy.
  2.       People in the village prefer butter tea because it gives lasting energy to work.
  3.       It is very tasty and nutritious. It is cheap and the materials are readily available.
  4.       It is more organic and no chemicals or preservatives nor any artificial flavors are used.
  5.       In cold days and in higher altitudes, it gives our body a heat and keeps us warm.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Thoughts as Time Pass-by

We are bound by different thoughts and our thoughts differ each day.  The thoughts that you have had many years back may not be the same today except for few. My thoughts kept changing with time, but now when I look back, many thoughts are still just thoughts and I was not able to accomplish all. So what always baffled me was the thought of how useful our thoughts were and are? When I was first enrolled in the school in 1995 in Mongar, I never thought of becoming anyone in the future at first, but as time passed by different thoughts came in.

Teachers started talking about career education in our lower classes and we are made to tell at least one ambition. Many responded, some doctors, some engineers, many teachers and few said educated farmer proudly. It was my turn and I was reluctant to say my ambition as I didn’t have one then. I flipped through pages of the text book and I found a monk with a bell and a small drum in his hands, I stood up and said “I want to become Lama (A religious man)”, many giggled, I sat with little blush. Since then it became my ambition and many started calling me lama Karma at one time. I even told my parents that I want to join the monk body but somehow it got dissolved. As I climbed the ladder of education, the thought of becoming monk got erased from my mind. So one more time I was left without ambition. Then I just thought of doing degree. By then I was in high school, many of my friends were nagging me to tell my ambition, many were telling me that I would become doctor just because I was good at biology sometimes in the class. Even I aspired to become doctor then. So I studied well and I got chance to pursue science in my higher secondary education.

When I was in class twelve, I still had a thought of becoming doctor at the beginning. Times passed by and as the year drew to an end my dreams were shattering. After the trial examinations the thought of becoming doctor perished from my mind and thereafter I just thought to be a graduate, a thought that I once had in lower classes. I did BHSE (Bhutan Higher Secondary Education) and you know what happened, I thought I would just qualify for B.Ed (Bachelors of Education), by then not even the college as I aspired. So I was waiting for the results hopefully. I qualified for all professional courses, the only problem was, and I was not selected for anyone as there were very little slots. So I applied for degree in Sherubtse College and thankfully I got with much difficulty there. Then I thought I have accomplished one of my thoughts. Again something came into my mind, what do I do after graduation? Many thoughts arose, at one point I thought of becoming officer in the field of forestry, agriculture and environment. At other point I thought of becoming a police officer and sometimes a lecturer too. Sometimes I use to think hap what hap may, ever ready to take up whatever that comes my way. I had to appear BCS Exams and my dream was to get through BCSE and get RIM and work as an officer with full dedication! I got through and did PGDPA (Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration) in RIM (Royal Institute of Management). I accomplished another few thoughts.

I have learnt that we have to have many big thoughts from the beginning, only then we will be able to achieve few at the end. For example, if we want our arrow to land at the mountain top, we have to aim at star. So aim for the best and reap the better results in life.