Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Earth Quake- Conventional Vs Scientific Views

Conventional View
People call it Sayom (literally translated as moving/shaking of the earth) and in local terms people referred to it as Naka (Doesn't mean anything, just a name given by ancestors). It is believed that our world is in the hands of a Giant as it is shown in the picture. The circle called the Sidpa Khorlo or the Circle of Karma represents the six realms of Samsara. From the Buddhist point of view, it is said that this Samsara is divided into six realms and the earth is one of the six realms. When the mild earthquake strikes, it is believed that the Giant holding the six realms of Samara moves one of his body hairs. And if he moves his finger, the intensity of earthquake will be more and if he moves his body, it will be the end of world. It is also believed that during the earthquake, that Giant will be waiting at the doorstep of every household with a sack and whoever moves out first will be put in that sack and will be taken by him (meaning death). Therefore, during the earthquake it is believed that we should not move out at once, we have to throw something out of the door first and then have to move out. People also shout ‘Naka...naka...naka’ in order to drive away that Giant and stop the tremor. Some also believe that we should not shout and rather we have to pray and move out to open space. Some people in different region believe that during the quake, they have to say " sergi kawai dhos dhos" which means 'please support our buildings by the golden pillars' so that the giant will fear and give up thinking that the houses are made of strong golden pillars. But in some region people believe in contrary to this. They believe they should say such words because it would infuriate the Giant and will cause more destruction 

Scientific Views
The science says the world is made of underlying plates which are in a continuous motion. When these plates move and slides each other, certain energy is created which is being sent out as a seismic wave. This wave is being perceived by the world as tremors. The sliding of these plates results in the formation of ridges and valleys. This violent sliding of one plate on other causes the earth to shake and the point at which these plates slide is the epicenter. The Himalayan ranges are formed some millions of years ago due to the collision of Eurasian plate and the Indian plate.

Some earthquakes are also caused by volcanic eruptions. Due to volcanic eruptions, it sends a wave that causes the earth to move in the nearby areas.   

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