Monday, June 30, 2014

Positive Attitude Pays

It was spring but was still cold in Thimphu. As discussed over phone, I was waiting outside my friend's house to go for a usual evening walk. It was chilling cold and having to wait a bit longer, I could not keep on standing, so knelt down to ease pain.

I was looking at the busy traffic on the road below unconsciously counting the number of vehicles plying up and down. I felt something moving behind me. I did not see anyone or anything coming, it was so silent with only the sound of gearing engines. At one time I could not look back at once, and then I thought my friend might have come to scare me. So consciously I turned back and found no one. My heart beat raced, gave me goose bumps and suddenly got up to look back what it was. To my relief, there it was lying so helplessly and was looking at me so innocently. That look it gave me was like an orphan child, so invoking as if it was to ask me a favor. Then I bent down to touch it and was so happy that it wagged it is short tail and started to lick my hand. It looked hungry and was shivering as if drenched in rain. I patted gently and sat down to my usual position and waited patiently for my friend. 

It slowly leaned against me, I could feel the warmth of its body. I could not shoo out as it always gave me that innocent look. It was sleeping so comfortably against me and stopped shivering too. The passersby would look at us and murmur and smile. I sat their indifferently. My friend would come anytime, and I have to walk away leaving by itself again, I thought. This would hurt my little friend. Then I called my friend who was supposed to get ready in five minutes and asked her to get some cookies for my little friend as I did not carry a penny in my pocket.   

Soon she came with a packet of cookies. I made it into small pieces and gave it to my little friend. There were bigger dogs around and I had to guard my little friend till it gave me a satisfactory look. This was my little friend and that was the look he gave me when we first met, so innocent. 

He has come to get himself warmed up by sleeping against me in that cold evening. He was not like the pets, he was not clean yet he was very much humble and innocent. He was very much sure that he can influence me by his innocent look and he was successful in doing that! I could not shoo… him away. While he was still busy with the cookies we left and I with the content heart looked back to see him walking back perhaps to a place where he came from.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Democracy in a Small Village

In one of the remotest parts of Eastern Bhutan, in a Small village called Gayul, Mr. Dorji along with her beloved Mrs. Samphelma, their two children and his old father lived happily in a small hut. There are about ten households in Gayul village and this community existed happily and peacefully helping each other. No road access, no electricity and no modern facilities like cell phones, television but few of them had radio through which they were connected to rest of the places. Despite not having the luxury to enjoy all those modern gadgets, people in this small community were happy and for the peace in the country, they were thankful to the far sighted rulers. 

After having completed all their farming works, they were much delighted to reap their harvests. Mr. Dorji was tuning on to his radio whilst looking after his few cattle. He heard of the great events of 2008, the 100 years of monarchy, the coronation of 5th King and the institution of democracy in Bhutan. It was then 2006 and he was much happier that Bhutan has successfully passed 100 years of happiness and new King will be crowned. But was bit confused on what would that "democracy" mean. Then in next few weeks they were called to attend meeting on democracy and were told that their beloved King has come all the way from capital city to guide and enlighten them with democracy and various clauses of the constitution of Bhutan. Much delighted because it was a great opportunity for them to have an audience with their beloved King. They attended and after much deliberation, they could understand that actually their King is gifting them with democracy where no leaders in the world could have done. They were bit saddened as they were already happy under the leadership of the beloved King. With many mixed feelings, Mr Dorji and his wife along with other people got back to their village. They even approached village head that they don't want power and they are happy with monarchy system. "But the King has a farsighted vision and thought that Bhutan has to change with time" this is what some thought and they waited patiently.

2008 came and they were called time and again to attend talks from different people who called themselves "...your representative for next five years and if you vote for me. I will....." and gave all their manifestos. Even people who called themselves as party representatives came door to door and explained them why they have to vote for their party. Different people came with different promises and Gayulpas were very much confused. They were also told that the vote must be confidential and that they are not allowed to share even to their family members. But many people in their small village joined different party and were now divided. Mr. Dorji recalled old days and was bit saddened by the way  people in the village take democracy. People felt, democracy means they can do anything and now they have the right to do anything they like. So when more and more talks went on about election, more and more people got divided. Finally all of them, young (above 18) and old cast their votes and results were declared. Some happy and some were not but the cohesiveness in that small community was destroyed. Mr. Dorji was not happy with that and tried to get all people together and accept democracy in a good way. 

As it was promised, Gayul was connected with roads, got electricity and Gayulpas were very much thankful to democracy that their voices could be reached to the National Assembly and were deliberated thoroughly. 2013 came and people in Gayul were not so worried because they now have the experiences from 2008 and are ready to contribute for nation building by voting for the right party candidate. Not much of division as they have now learned that it is their right to vote for the one whom they think would bring positive changes to their community and country as a whole. They voted and results came and are now waiting for the changes they have promised to bring to this small and happy Gayul village. People in Gayul village are so optimist that their representatives will never let them down and soon they will experience the changes as promised.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Animal Vs Human

Human beings are modified animals. The cognizance and intelligence inherited by human brain is so large and the sheer civilization has made us fit to be called as human being. Civilization is led by certain ethics and conducts. And therefore, human are guided by these ethics but not are animals. Let me draw some comparisons between the life of human and animal. However, I cannot make conclusions on whose life is better.

Animals are free. They roam aimlessly, eat whatever comes into their mouth, share companionship, play each other, and engage sex whenever they desire, no matter even in the public. Sometimes they break into fight for trivial reason but who cares??? They are really free. There is no one at the top to scrutinize and throw bloody words to the bottom ones.

But there is no respect for each other, no proper care though mother cares the baby herself. Males impregnate females but they don't become fathers to care their baby. There is no knowledge of hesitation. A son has huge gut to sex his real own mother...This is really shit. They are carefree like a cloud and wind: no prohibition at all.  

However, unlike them, human are really bound and caged by conducts and duties. Can we run away from office in duty hours? Should we run what would be the consequences? We are really tensed. Despite freezing winter we can't lay down in the warm sunny lawn. Similarly, we get little time to relax in the shade during hot rainy summer. If duties failed what will be the result? What would our boss say? We have to do our work sincerely or they will terminate us from the organization, no choice for us. Thus, it's no wrong to be called as machine. 

Sex is biological need for all animals to continue their progeny. Therefore, all animals are vested with biological rights for continuation of offspring. But human are limited by certain threshold age and time for this indulgence. Sex is strictly prohibited in white day light, open area and below 18 years (under age deemed by the law). Failing these conditions would result the accused to land up in jail even for a minor attempt.

Such rules, conducts and law prohibit us doing bad things. So, we are called as civilized animal. But on the contrary are we really free human? Do we have all rights to do whatever we like?? Now, whose life is better???


"We are not only the one responsible for who we are"

It has become actually a human instinct to blame someone or look down on someone in the society. People often blame delinquents for their behavior in the society without even questioning what could be the reason behind such delinquencies.

We are like prism whose dazzling colors depend on the colors of the surrounding. It will sparkle red if placed in red environ and green or yellow depending on what color it receives. We grew up in one environment and have to face various range of environments as we move on with our lives. If we are in the good environment, where people living there are good and friends we associate with are good, then we definitely tends to grow good. But in later stage, if we are exposed to some other adverse surroundings, then we tend to act accordingly unless we are so influential to change the environment. People who are always or mostly brought up in good environment are always found to be successful. But on other hand, if people are exposed all the time or mostly to not so good environment, they are never improved and are not very successful in the society.

What we are or what we do also depends on the type of friends or people we associate with. Many say "he/she was actually good but his/her friends...", "this person is good but his/her peers..." The people we hang-out with are the ones who are really influential. Even in a group of bad boys, there will be one or two others who are not so bad as the other members but are being influenced or overpowered.  In this case, even if we are good, because we are with those not so good people, we are seen as bad. 

Other example could be family problems at home. If the problem is so bad at home, children especially the boys grow more delinquent. The lack of proper guidance, proper attention from parents could also cause a good child to become a bad one.

Everything we are exposed to will have some impacts on our daily life. The house we live in, the neighbors, the organization we work in, the boss or the subordinates we work with, the friends we hang out with and the society we face all the time always play a vital role in our life to shape who we are. These are like chisels which shape our life from all angles. Some shape us good and some bad. And the only blame or the compliment people make is to that person without even realizing the factors behind him/her that actually shaped the way he/she is.

from Buddha Point to Memorial Chorten

oops crane!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Mongar is one of the six eastern districts of Bhutan. It is a two day journey by a car from Thimphu. The journey to Mongar passes through high passes, low valleys with various flora and fauna. After spending a night in Bumthang, the next day as we descend down the high hills, we feel the breath of pine trees and lemon grass. After crossing the Kurichhu River in Kurizampa, we ascend up to reach the Mongar town.

The Mongar town dates back to the construction of present Dzong in 1930s. The Dzong (Fortress) was built in a similar way as other old Dzongs of Bhutan have been built without using a nail or a drawing. The present Dzong site was later identified after the Zhongar Dzong located in Lingmethang few kilometers (30Km) drive from Mongar town has been demolished. The Zhongar Dzong has got its own story passed down from generation to generation. The Mongar town started with few settlements around Dzong and in around 1966s, a new public school (a present day YRC and Mongar High School) was also established. 

(Picture Source: social media:Facebook)
The picture aside shows Mongar which dates back to around 1970s wherein a Dzong and school have been shown. There was no motor able road and only settlements shown were few huts and most of lands were arable. The town seems little deserted yet it looks beautiful and could smell the peace and harmony in the society. People never imagined what modernization would bring into this quite place in the future. But as the time passed by, so many changes have taken place gradually.

   ( Picture Source: Internet)

This is the same picture shown above but here we could see so many changes brought in. This picture could be in late 1980s or early 1990s. More and more people have started to settle near Dzong and School building houses. All the houses are very traditional. Probably the town has been connected by a Thimphu and Trashigang highway. The Mani Chortens (Stupa) which are seen in the earlier picture have been demolished and the place has been converted to the present day public ground. The place still looks very beautiful with few houses and looks very green and happy.

Development is a boon to people on one hand but on the other, we lose most of our beautiful places. This town was soon developed into a concrete jungle with road connections to every nook and corner of the town and with so many concrete buildings. While many of these traditional houses, Dzongs and schools are still the same to this day, those small huts and other structures are completely changed into a different face.

  ( Picture Source: Internet)
As it has been proven from the picture aside, this is how it looks the present Mongar town. The public ground is still functional and most of the places are now filled with tall concrete buildings. The Mongar town stretches over a gentle slope along the Thimphu-Trashigang highway and covers few square kilometers. Currently there are 2 schools within Mongar town and also has eastern regional referral hospital. It has population of less than 10,000 and is classified as class B city in Bhutan. Mongar town is one the fastest growing town in the eastern region and also a trade center for most of the easterners.  

***All three pictures above were taken from the same view point: Helipad view*** 

 Zhongar Dzong
(Picture source: TCB)
The picture here shows the ruins of Zhongar Dzong which was once a majestic place for the Zhongar Dzongpon during the time when Bhutan was being ruled by different petty rulers. Although no written records have been found, an oral narrative states that, the ruler in the region brought a famous architect from west and told him to build fortress for him. The Architect in his vision saw vision of a hill marked by a rock resembling like Zhong (a bowl) and came to be known as Zhong ga (Zhong=bowl and ga=comfortable). Another oral narrative states that the architect while carrying out visual surveillance came across a white stone shaped like bowl and called that place as Zhongkar (Zhong=bowl and Kar=white).

The architect built Dzong which was so huge and magnificent and one story also tells that King has cut his hands thinking that one such fortress would be built for other rulers of the country too. It was also said that one Lama (Local abbot) built alter and the other built statues and although the two didn’t meet even once, later statues were perfectly fitted into an altar.  Different rulers came as one took over the other and later it was believed people offered the fortress to Zhabdrung. Later the Dzong was destroyed by fire and later by earthquake. It was said the destruction was blessing in disguise since the place has been infested with evils, rodents and diseases such as malaria. Following the destruction, the relics were then moved to the present Mongar Dzong. Even today it is believed that there are spirits and snakes guarding the place. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Leisure in the town

Many apologies for not being able to keep this blog alive! Neither I nor my friends could come up with new posts. We either couldn't go through other's blog. We have been quite busy with office we could not render justice to readers and this blog in particular.

For the sake of pretty ugly though, I will narrate what we have been doing this morning. Ok, let me begin. I received a call from Tashi saying we would go together to the office by city bus. He said that he could not wake up early and asked my companionship of going by bus at 9:15am. We reached Fly over bridge (city bus stop) at 9:12 am and waited patiently for about 5 minutes. The bus was little late today and thus we expected it to be little less packed than usual. At 9:20 am we got into the bus but only to be found ourselves standing in despair. The bus was more packed than usual: seemed everybody could not wake up

Bus took its pace with glamorous roaring sound. Tashi with much complacent in his face remained firmly stood holding the hanger that swings along the reckless movement of bus. The bus encroached near the Hospital while people stopped it to get them out of it.

I smiled at him and said, "Tashi, could we loiter around the town and go to office lately?"

"Are u sure?"
"Yes, Tashi. Lets take some leisure around the town", I replied.   
"Ok, lets get off from swimming pool and head towards town", Tashi said promisingly.

We left bus near the Swimming pool and talked if Karma could also join us. While reaching near Hotel Taktsang Tashi called Karma. As expected, Karma showed up when we were waiting for him near main traffic.

Without wasting much time we immediately went to sneak cafe where we had sipped enough lassi and tea. It was really good in such time when we had no breakfast. They know my financial conditions... they didn't ask me to pay. Done with tea and Lassi we loitered around the town. Next, both of them got into barber and got their hair cut. I waited patiently, of course, expecting some more sponsorship from them. This time was

I indirectly took them to Zangdo Pelri Complex saying goodness of Dorji Trozey: its way of serving customers. But in reality, I was expecting lunch to be sponsored by them in Dorji Trozey. Accordingly, it was good luck for me since Tashi has never been to there.

Upon my advertisement of Dorji Trozey, Tashi said, "lets see how true is Lhaksam. Lets go and visit it"

Wow, wow! I was really happy with Tashi's decision. Since we were little ahead of noon, the Trozey had a few customers. It was indeed empty. Normally, this hotel used to be packed with some customers waiting in line until some get done with their meal.

We were given small sheet to be written our orders. Karma and I ordered Shakam Paa while Tashi did Sikkam Paa. The lunch was really amazing one. More than this, way of serving by waitress and welcoming gesture of the owner were really marvelous.

After having heavy lunch, I silently withdraw outside while Karma and Tashi went to clear the bill. It amounted to around Nu 400 which is not much to them this time. However, the lunch was surely a pleasing one.

I thanked them and asked where to go then. The time exactly ticked 12.00 noon. Karma diverted from us and went to his office. I was bit not sure if I would go to Tashi's office and past rest of the time with him. However, while reaching to Chubachu I decided to go to my office rather. And Tashi has also decided to go to his office.

This is how I spent my half day having gone off from office for the first time. 

Contributed by Lhaksam Chedrup