Tuesday, December 24, 2013

About Me

I am Karma Dorji. I am From Mongar from a small village called Nakling.

Early Life and Education

I was born in the Wood Dragon Year in 1980s in Dechencholing, Thimphu. My father was in the service of Royal Body Guard. He got retired when I was 11 months old and then we moved to Mongar where I spent all my childhood days. I started schooling at the age of six in the year 1995. I studied in Mongar Lower Secondary School, then it was Mongar Primary School. In 2004 I moved to Mongar HSS and completed my class 12 Science (Bio-Science) in the year 2007. Then I pursued Bachelor of Science (Life Science) in Sherubtse College for three years until mid-2011. I made through the Civil Service Examinations and did one year PG course in Public Administration in Royal Institute of Management, Semtokha after which i joined the civil service.

Interest and Hobbies
I like to read religious/philosophical books, stories, listening to music, singing (not professional), and watching movies (mostly action films, documentaries and historical). I also like to go to new places and explore myself. I like to travel to different places and learn different culture and tradition. Going for short hikes, staycation, get together with friends. Love spending times with my beloved family. 

Contact Me
Email (dkarma2013@gmail.com), facebook (https://www.facebook.com/orjikarma) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/dkarma55) or Instagram (@this_is_kaydee )

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Story of "Porktato" and "Double Fishing"

Sherubtse is a premier institute and a place where many young minds are being trained to become great scholars. It was very fortunate even for me to do my Bachelor’s Degree from Sherubtse. When I first went to college or even before going there, I heard so many funny but interesting stories about the ragging which would sometimes freak me out. The name of the places like viewpoint, kissing point, suicide point, pregnant house, haunted house were some of the peculiar names named by the students learning there and all have their own stories behind their names. All names were based on their structures and the beauty the passerby beholds. Besides these places, there are many stories in Sherubtse, a story of how seniors used to rag their juniors, blind dating and a story of demons being spotted by some people at some places which would freak me out even before going to college. Also I heard about the Sherubtse bread being famous in Kanglung, also the places like Youngphula where students goes out for camping and the charm of being in a college on one hand tempted me to go to college. I had to go anyhow.

To my relief we were told that college has done away with the blind date and ragging system but seniors somehow still ragged us in the name of counseling and advice. I had a terrible experience the very first night I spent in the hostel where seniors broke into my room and greeted us with ferocious faces that brought tears to my eyes. But it was nothing compared to those stories from the past where seniors made the juniors to swim in the drop of water on the table, made to cycle without cycle and made to wear ghos in the middle of the sleep, the only charm for being seniors in Sherubtse.

I have been to all the places which I have heard before and even tasted the bread which I had longed for a long time. Visiting the places associated with the stories behind and feeling the charm of being in the college itself was a very interesting part of my college life although I missed my home very badly because I was away from home for the first time.   

Every batch of students leaves behind a legacy behind so that they become the part in the history of the college. Every third year students have a third year project where they carry out variety of works to leave behind their legacy. Beside these, many senior leave behind funny yet worth to listen to the stories so that the juniors later on would cherish it like I did. Even during my stay there were so many interesting stories cooked up. Out of many one interesting story was the story of "Porktato". The story goes on like this.

We used to get meat (Non Veg curry) twice a week but later it was made only on Mondays. Once it was Monday and the dining hall was houseful as it was expected. Having tasted potatoes for long days, many waited in line with eager to taste the change in the menu. It was pork this time. I along with my friends was also in the middle of the line waiting for our turn to be served. Many students waited in line for long and to their dismay the pork was served as curry and not as Paa. And more disgusting was, it was mixed with potato and pork could hardly be seen. Many students grumbled every nook and corner of the hall, food thrown everywhere on tables and floor. The grumbling never ended even in hostel. The next day when we were in the class we heard the story called "Porktato in Sherubtse" in one of the print media. It was written by a student who was frustrated by the menu the previous day. Porktato literally means pork and potato mixed together. The story is funny but its true and is still famous among Sherubtseans.

Another story was "Double Fishing" and also was about the menu. Sometimes we used to get fish curry mixed with more water and cabbages. Students would take their turn to fish out a slice of fish from the pot which would be very difficult because the fish could hardly be seen.  A Fish first was fished out by fisherman from the sea and when in Sherubtse mess, students fish it once more from the pot, therefore the story "Double Fishing".

These are some of the memories that we still cherish when we friends get together over the coffee table. These remind our wonderful college days. But we are always thankful to our government for having provided us with free education and meals. 

Song of memory by my friend

It was in my dream this song was sung while I was sleeping.  During my college days, for me, sleeping was the best part of all. I was never active yet I enjoyed being together with my roommates.
As usually I slept at 10 Pm but roommates did not. They were studying. After sometime, I got into deep sleep while, I guess, Karma silently took my laptop knowing that I was asleep. With my subconscious brain, I could hear someone singing “Wai ni Lhaksam…mo Lhaksam…….” I did not know where the sound of this song came from and who was singing from afar. But I could hear it vaguely in my dream …“Wai ni Lhaksam…ni Lhaksam……..” and faded away in my deep sleep. I did not know if that song continued to sing after that.

It was exactly 7 am when Karma awoke me. To my surprise, I could hear the same song that I heard in my dream the previous night.  The following morning I could hear the same song from my laptop which I did not have before. Shockingly, I said to Karma, “wai, I heard this song in my dream”, while I applied tooth paste on the brush. 

 “Ha ha ha….u heard in the dream? oho..how could you?’”
“Yea, I heard”

“Don’t foolish me dear” said karma with a mild smile. I did not know that Karma was recording this song through laptop that previous night. His recording had been translated into my dream while I was still in the subconscious state. “I was recording this song last night so that we can keep it as our memory of friendship. It’s dedicated to you, Lhaksam.” 

I was very happy and thanked Karma for this song to me.  I still play this song when I miss him and college days.

If U Want The Change in U, U Love. Love, The Great Changer

 I have known him from the birth and through childhood days till now. I still know him very well. He was a very shy and introvert kind of guy who seeks to learn all by himself and avoids socializing. He was very nice, very smart, never used to drink or smoke or hang out with any friends. People would have believed me by his appearance only if they were the one to judge him earlier. 

People change a lot. There are lots of changing factor starting from the society you live in, working environment, pressure, stress, temptations, desires and many more. And one very important thing is many people change because of their love. Some people become good and some become bad than they usually are after moving into love. I have seen both the kinds, and "He" the one I was talking about belongs to one of these kinds. 

He moved into love little recently at the age of 20 when he was in the college. He has never been into love relationships until then. He has loved her immensely and was in a position of not able to live a bit without talking to her or thinking about her. Then his love went far beyond borders and he was left with heavyhearted. Although distant, he managed to keep his love for her alive with calls and SMSs. So they managed to live happily even at a distance. 

We always know the truths behind the lies, yet people lies. Actually he was deceived by the lies of his love. His love took an advantage of his immense love and the distance, and got along with someone very closely and the news was like a heavy blow to him. He trusted her so much and at first he did not believe his ears and eyes but later when more and more evidences were found, his heart melted like an ice cube placed in a hot pot. He could not do anything. Then there came the change in him. He started going out with friends, hang out with them, go for walk, drink to kill the memories. Later on he even smoked and always went out with friends to hang around. He only did that not for fun but to erase her, however he could not stop falling for her, but he kept on doing. When he does that, at least he was happy for a short moment and that helped him a lot. 
It was all because he was betrayed by his love, he picked up all these habits and brought the change I was talking about earlier. His appearance still would tell you that he is a simple guy as usual and you won’t believe me but deep inside he has changed a lot to wrong path all because of love and the greatest regrets he has in his life. Love changes simple to rowdy, non-drinker to drinker and non-smoker to smoker and ultimately alive to death.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why Suffer Coz of LOVE, Be Happy…

We are born as human and be thankful that you are one among the most fortunate when according to Buddhism billions do not get chance to take the human life form. It is believed that it takes so many lives to be born as human beings unless you are those enlightened. So feel blessed.  

When every morning you wake up, be thankful that you are still alive when thousands are not able to do so. When you have your mom coming with a cup of tea to wake you up, greet her well rather than showing your gloomy face because you are shattered by your love. When you have your dad driving you to school, respect him rather than showing rudeness because you are betrayed by your love. When you have brother patting you, pat him back, when you have sister to hold your hand and give you comfort when you are lonely why not show them the happy face. When you have friends to accompany you, share happiness and sadness with you, make them feel that they are successful in making you happy.

When you have everything in your life, a love, a care and happiness from parents, brothers, sisters and friends, why do you still crave for him/her who has betrayed you brutally? The person you love has never realized your love and care. It is said that those who betray you will be wandering at one place and that will be the time they will realize your true love and care. You should not feel low because you have lost your love, remember you have lost someone who doesn’t love you but he/she has lost someone who loves him/her truly. Why cry for them for they don’t even deserve your tears because deserving person will not make you cry for them. When you love someone truly, that person will always hurt you because he/she thinks that you are crazy and you will love them in any ways. That is the advantage for them because you love them truly. They flirt a lot because they wanted to show that they are talented and can get anyone anytime anywhere. Accept that you are at disadvantaged side now but remember once they betray you for other momentary pleasures, the happiness, love and care that you have shown to him/her will return to you because anything you do, it never goes in vain.

So never cry for those who have betrayed you, for you have many other people around you who care and love you more truly than you have been loved by your gone love. Think strong and feel that whatever has happened, it always happens for good and be contented with what you have. Always remember “one goes thousand comes” (Though its old, it makes you stronger) and this is my energizing quote “Don’t ever act like a fish, thirsty in water”.              

Futile things in the world

Although heavily eaten yesterday,
It does not remain the stomach as full today.
Although taste of food may be so delicious,
It turns into stinky stool of no economic value.

Although how handsome and beautiful one may be,
The face will wrinkle upon attaining old age.
Although how big is the head of penis,
It can’t be used as a hammer to strike a nail.

Although a scrotum hangs loosely like a sack,
It can’t serve the purpose of a bag to put in the belongings.
Although testes resemble an egg,
It can’t be fried and eaten.

Although the sperm is thick and mucilage,
It can’t serve the purpose to glue the paper.
Although we learn more,
We tend to forget more and more.

Although how wealthy one maybe,
Death is inevitable.
Although it seems enjoyable in this world outwardly,
Inwardly, it is all useless as we will have to die sooner or later.

How Did I Meet Her……?

Many young boys become very much familiar with a term called girlfriend or boyfriend at a very young age. But for me it was not the case. It would be wrong if I just say I didn’t hear the terms, but you won’t believe if I say I was not into such relationships until I was 20 years of age. By then I was in college (first year) when I first moved into a thing called Love relationships. 
When I was small, I used to think, what is it that they get when they said they are girlfriend--boyfriend. I used to feel ashamed when I see a girl and boy going for a date. And even I used to feel that I would never get into these things in my life. But on one hand, I found them having good times together. They used to help each other when in difficult times and would share happiness or sadness together. Then I thought, wow! It’s a good thing to have relationships.

I was bit inspired by some of the couples I came across. I used to listen to their filthy stories of going for date and I used to get thrilled sometimes. Those imagery moments would sometimes drive me crazy of being into relationships. But I was reluctant to go into it because I was a very shy guy at first and secondly I felt having such relationships were unethical being a loyal child to my parents and a loyal student to my teachers. So those two conflicting feelings used to always haunt me day and night. 

When I was going through such feelings, my friends used to tease me with girls, I used to blush out and sometimes even get mad on them. With more teasing even I used to sometimes feel, it’s okay to love someone. So sometimes I used to fall for a girl with good looks but never had the guts to go and tell her or write her. In front of my friends I would get mad for teasing me but silently I would fall for the girl. But my love and admiration for any girl would be a silent one. No one would know that I am in love or I am admiring someone, just me and God of course. 
By then I was in high school and I was growing manlier both physically and mentally. The temptation towards girl increases as we grow and was happening with me. I used to tease girls in groups, never alone and also used to hang out with more girl friends in schools. In my school days, I got three proposals from three different girls. If I were someone who is brave, could have been into relations with them but I was so reluctant that I could not even be friend with them. I missed three chances…hahaha. 
Then I was in class 11 science when I first saw a fragile girl, so simple and of course beautiful. I used to watch her going for breaks and walking into the class. I was admiring her until one day I came to know that she was a girlfriend of my own friend. Of course it was not so hard for me to ignore her because I was used to loving and admiring someone silently. 
She was totally out of my mind for almost two years. I completed class 12 and I got into Sherubtse College. That was in the year 2008. After I have completed one semester in College, I with my brother and friend went to Thimphu. We halted in Bumthang and it was just me and my friend inside a room. Then my friend handed over me a phone which he has already dialed someone. I hesitantly received and the moment I put the phone to my ear, someone on the other side said “Hello…” It was a young girl I could figure out, she was bit bossy and stylish. The moment I said hello…she started talking to me in English. Then we had quite a long conversation and in a process it was a surprising thing to know that she was the girl whom I once saw in my high school days and admired her. 
Then thereafter, I took my chance and kept her number and started calling her every time. Even in college, we used to talk late night and share everything. By the time I realize everything; I was already in a relationship with her. I loved her then. I never made a formal proposal but it so happened that we were a girlfriend and boyfriend. It was really a thrilling moment for me to be in relation after so many years of seeing others having relationships. It was in 2009, we became one in two souls and even to this day, we are the same. I love her and I have made up my mind already to be with her. Her name is Kencho and I am Karma.
This is a story of how a love alienated boy moved into the romantic world for the first time and it will be the last time!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


ང་བཅས་འགྲོ་བ་རིགས་དྲུག་ནང་ལུ་སྐྱེས་པའི་སེམས་ཅན་ག་ར་ཨིན་རུང་སྐྱེས་ཚར་བའི་ཤུལ་ལུ་རང་གིས་མི་ཚེ་ནང་ལུ་རེ་བ་རྣམས་པ་སྣ་ཚོགས་བསྐྱེད་ནི་ཡོད་དོ་བཟུམ་སྦེ་ང་ར་ཡང་ངེའི་མི་ཚེ་ནང་ལུ་རེ་བ་ལེ་ཤ་སྐྱེད་ཅི།ད་ལྟོ་ཚུན་ཚེ་ངེའི་རེ་བ་འདི་ཚུ་གེ་ར་དཀོན་མཆོག་གསུམ་གྱི་ཐུགས་རྗེ་ལས་བཀའ་ངལ་ག་ནི་ཡང་མེད་པར་ལེགས་ཤོམ་སྦེ་གྲུབ་ཚུགས་ཏེ་ཡོདཔ་ཨིན་རུང་ངེའི་མི་ཚེ་ནང་ལུ་རེ་བ་ཁག་ཆེ་ཤོས་གཅིག་རང་གི་མི་ཚེ་ནང་ལུ་རང་ལུ་ཕན་ཐོག་པའི་ ཚེ་ཅིག་ལུས་ཅིག་དམ་ཚིག་ཡོད་མི་ལས་རྒྱུ་འབྲས་རྩིས་ཤེས་པའི་གཉེན་དང་འགྲོགས་གཅིག་ཐོབ་པའི་རེ་བ་སྐྱེས་ཏེ་རང་སྡོད་ཅི།དེ་སྦ་རེ་བ་སྐྱེས་ཏེ་ང་སྐྱེ་ལོ་ ༡༩ ལང་སོང་ཡི། དེ་བསྒང་ང་བཀང་ལུང་ཤེས་རབ་རྩེ་མཐོ་རིམ་སློབ་གྲྭ་ ནང་ལུ་ལོ་ངོ་དང་པའི་སློབ་ཕྲུག་སྦེ་སྡོདཔ་ད་ དུས་ནམ་ཡང་མ་འཐོང་པའི་ བུམོ་མཇའ་རིསམོ་གཅིག་དང་བརྒྱུད་འཕྲིན་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་སྦེ་ཕྱེད་ཅི། མོ་དང་ཕྱེད་དེ་སེམས་དགའ་སྟེ་སྡོད་པའི་བར་ན་ མོ་རྒྱ་གར་ལུང་པ་ལུ་ཆོས་ བལྟ་བར་ཡར་སོང་ཡི།
མོ་ལོ་གསུམ་གྱི་རིང་ལུ་དཔེ་ཆ་ལྷབ་སྡོདཔ་ད་ང་བཟའན་བཅུད་མེད་ ཉལན་ཉིད་མེད་ མོ་རང་དྲན་ སྟེ་སྡོད་ཅི།་ཨིན་རུང་མོ་འབྲུག་ལུ་ལོག་ལྷོདཔ་ད་བཟའ་ཚང་གཅིག་ཁར་སྡོམ་ནིའི་རེ་བ་བསྐྱེད་དེ་འབད་རུང་ མོ་གིས་མོ་གཡོག་མ་ཐོབ་ཚུན་ཚོད་གཉེན་མི་བརྐྱབ་ཟེར་སླབ་ལས་ང་རང་ཡང་མོ་གིས་སླབ་མི་འདི་ཨིནམ་སྦེ་མནོ་སྟེ་དེ་སྦེ་རང་སྡོད་དགོཔ་བྱུང་ཡི། ཨིན་རུང་ངེའི་རེ་བ་འདི་ཙ་ལས་མ་རྫོགས། མོ་དང་གཅིག་ཁར་གཉེན་བརྐྱབ་ བར་ན་བུ་གཞི་ཚུད་དེ་ དགའ་སྤྲོ་དང་སྤྲོ་མཉམ་གྱི་འགོ་ལས་ མི་ཚེ་སྐྱོང་ནི་རེ་བ་བསྐྱེད་དེ་རང་ཡོད་ཟེར་ ངེའི་ཆ་རོགས་ཚུ་ལུ་གནས་ཚུལ་དང་འདྲཝ་ཅིག་སྦེ་བཤདཔ་ཨིན།།

Women, money and alcohol: Which one to choose????

Given the option to choose one from Women, money and alcohol, I have no proper stand to choose my best because I am simply fond of all…lol kidding. To be frank, I have never fallen in love before nor do I at present. But I don't know about the future. Hope I may not. While coming to money, yeah, I am fond of it, so fond of it that I can do anything for it. While in my childhood, I had an ambition to become one of the richest men in the country. My friends would say that they had never seen people like me who were so desirous and ambitious. With defilement of such desirous mind, I would even day dream about myself becoming the richest man with several workers under me.

However, it was when I was in class 9, my ambitious mind of earning money was completely changed after having had drunk alcohol for couple of times with my friends. Umm... how I got addicted into alcohol would be of long story and it is not necessary to narrate here also. So, at this juncture, let me focus on choosing the best one amongst aforesaid options.

Our life seems so meaningless unless we enjoy out of it. My dream of becoming the richest man is now been expunged from the mind. The material world is nothing permanent. We can’t even take a piece of needle along with us when we go into the other world. So, the life, as far as I’m concerned, must be of totally carefree. Thus, money is not my part.

The carefree life is ensured by deglutition of alcohol. For me, alcohol makes me warm, interesting and its hallucination effect takes me into the heaven. But it is just my personal feeling. 

While coming to women, I feel this is also not much importance for me. Because, leading a married life will again lead to materialism. Having born children, we will have to struggle to raise them up. Therefore, neither women nor money could be my option. 

The Taste of Ara

No wonder people would think that I am lying when I say I was never drunk with Ara (a locally made wine) since I was brought up in the Eastern Part of Bhutan. But for me my conscience is clear that I did not drink Ara though I have brewed it a lot when I was helping my mom back at village. 

It was Saturday the 7th November; I along with two of my friends Sangay and Trashi went to visit Mr. Wang, an old friend of ours in Serbithang. I was happy because finally we could make a visit after having invited several times even before. It was 3pm, we drove and driving up hill towards Serbithang from Babesa was very exciting through the woods unlike in Town. We called him and finally made it there...few shake and hugs and we were driven inside the house. Mr. Wang introduced us to his beloved which he termed as his roommate that was sweet though. She got into the kitchen and made us warm sweet tea. Then Mr. Wang was so straight and said “let’s have Ara”, I just smiled and looked at Trashi and Sangay but their looks were not unusual. For me I said I don’t want to because I never have tasted Ara in my life, but they never listened. Moreover Mr. Wang's beloved, Mrs. Sonam said she would mix egg and dried beef along with Ara, make it hot and will serve us. Then I thought….hmm....that would be nice since it was very cold there. Then reluctantly I did not oppose their offering. There came Mrs. Sonam with a pot full of warm Ara, the aroma of which was so strong that I sensed it as if I had tasted it before. The cup was so big and mine was little bigger than my other two friends. When I found myself with that cup of Ara in front of me, I felt myself like an old man back in the village craving for it house to house and instantly realized the happiness that they would have got whey such warm and scented Ara was being offered to them.

I thought of taking that one cup but more and more are being poured in the moment I lowered the level. With the urge of tasting the meat and the egg which have sunk to the bottom of the cup, I sipped all. Then I could feel the warmth in my body, the reaction inside me aided by the heat from the rot heater and sound of television and my friends. I knew I was getting drunk. We had diner and I was bit alright then. So thought of coming back as our friend Sangay has got night duty. Mr. Wang again offered Ara but I refused right away but Sangay told lets have one more cup, OMG! I thought now I am dead. I refused but I could not refuse deadly so had to force myself with my eyes closed as there was no time to stare and drink. I knew I cannot stand and talk more, so before Ara could let me down I insisted Sangay and Trashi and they drove me home.   

It was a very exciting moment to think back the next day that I drank Ara. I thought I have picked up the tradition of drinking which in eastern Bhutan is considered normal (although now it’s vanishing). One way it’s good to uphold the tradition but on other hand you know the consequences. Whatever may be, do not drink, it is too bad. Alcohol is root cause of many sufferings.             

Proud to be Me, Me??

Who is that “Me”, I know you might be wondering but you will surely know me if you read this till end. I am of different shapes and sizes and now people have gone crazy and also added colors and flavors to me. I have a greater role to play in this world and I serve my Master with full dedication. I don’t want to describe my job here but if I don’t, you won’t recognize me. So my task is very difficult, it is a risk taking job and of course very interesting too. I will share why it is difficult, risky and interesting.

It is very difficult because my master rolls me down and it changes my shape from circular to cylindrical. He curses me if I am thick, loose and stinky. Then after that he put me inside the darkest place and moves like anything. It makes me slide over the watery surface of that dark place for so long until he vomits out. The saddest thing is sometimes I meet with shit in that dark place sob…sob……   

It is very risky because sometimes he is bit careless and places me in a wrong position so it makes me difficult to serve him. Sometimes when air gets into my head and he slides me into the place in different positions with full thrust, I cannot control myself and my head burst failing to serve him. Then later he and his companion curse me.

And the interesting thing is I get to see many wonderful things inside. I reach to a place where even my master can’t reach. Sometimes I feel like clinging onto the parts along the wall of that place, and when I try, sometimes master leaves me inside and I see them panicking and even sometimes quarrelling over that.

I love my job because I do it for good cause though some masters hate me; I serve them with full dedication and loyalty. Now who do you think I am????